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Third Person POV

The throne room of Olympus was unusually quiet. Normally everyone was bickering with one another, fighting over the tiniest detail. But today everyone was deep in contemplation about one man: Percy Jackson.

After the meeting ended yesterday and everyone went their separate ways, they all realized one extremely important fact. Percy had killed all of the giants. All the beings who were created to be their opponents had their power put into one man. This means he's at least powerful enough to take on several of them at once, and winning.

Needless to say, this didn't sit well with many of them. Some who more or less trusted Percy, like Artemis, Apollo, Hestia, Athena, and Poseidon were not as worried, though they recognized the danger.

Not only that but they couldn't make him swear his loyalty anymore, as the strongest oath they had was controlled by him.

They were not so foolish as to think that they could stop Chaos however. If she wanted the Olympians to perish then they would, but as long as that is not to case they can't help but vie for some control, as they always do.

The silence was broken by the appearance of a certain primordial of the earth.

"I'm so sorry for being late everyone!" Sally said, sounding out of breath. "There were some... uh... unexpected delays.

Artemis nodded in understanding, "Divine pregnancy isn't fun. So, I've heard."

Sally blushed a bit but nodded, "That and other things. The thing is it feels like the sickness I felt this morning was a thousand times worse than before, but the doctor said that that wouldn't happen till much later. (I don't know how pregnancy works.)"

Hera frowned, "Didn't anyone tell you? The process is sped up greatly with goddesses."

"Indeed" Artemis agreed, "It looks like you're due in about a month in a half."

Sally deadpanned, "Huh... that will be fun to explain to Paul. Thanks for the heads up."

Zeus cleared his throat, "Yes well I believe it is time to begin negotiations—"

Sally stopped him, "Not until Percy gets here."

He tensed up, "While I agree he may have some useful input, he has repeatedly disrespected us and has deemed this meeting not important enough to show up on time for. So, I really see no more reason to halt proceedings."

Sally nodded, "True but he knows you all far better than I, so I would feel safer with him here so I know I'm not getting screwed over."

The gods all shared looks of indignation, Zeus most of all, "Miss Jackson I assure you that we would never steep to such low tricks on the new mother earth."

Sally rolled her eyes, "Please, you gods are the most childish and temperamental group of beings in history. Also, my son would be here but he had more important things to take care of. He's almost done."

Ares, the idiot that he is, decided to laugh and say, "What could that punk be up to that is more important than an Olympian council meeting?"

Before Sally could respond, Poseidon stood up with pride and said, "As I recall that 'punk' was already able to defeat you in battle by the age of 12."

He stood there looking pleased with himself until he realized what he had done. His pride was replaced with fear as everyone stared tentatively at Sally, whose head was down, hair covering her face. Suddenly however she was surrounded in a green aura that made them all want to crawl away.

Ares looked ready to piss himself as she grew in size, though her voice was deadly calm "You attacked my son when he was only twelve?"

She now stood at her full primordial height, twice the size of the gods. Many of them clutched their symbols of power in fear, but didn't dare move a muscle.

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