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Caution: this one will get a bit fucked up. Just a bit.

Percy POV

As the arrow flew through the air straight at me, time seemed to slow down. For a minute I thought it was Chaos or Chronos taking pity on me, but alas it was only adrenaline.

I started moving my hand to try to catch the arrow, but as fast as my reflexes are, I knew I wouldn't make it in time. I guess an arrow launched from the bow of an archery goddess was a bit faster than anything I've seen before. I didn't stop trying though, but as I did, I said a silent farewell to little Percy, and a few thousand prayers to Chaos.

However as the arrow was about to reach my dick, no doubt cutting it right off, as I wasn't that durable, a hand moving several times faster than mine caught it.

Zoe breathed a sigh of relief of relief as she held the arrow in her hands. This caused her bare breast to heave and move in a way that almost made me forgot the super angry goddess who was trying to stop me from taking her right now. Luckily I was reminded of it by her scream of rage as she charged towards me with her hunting knives drawn.

I quickly jumped up and away from Zoe, knowing that Artemis really wants me. I did my best dodge the attacks, but A: I wasn't entirely focused because... you know. And B: she seemed way faster than I have ever seen her before. I could just barely keep up with her and dodge her knives, but I got a few nicks here and there. After a moment I managed to gather my thoughts and decided enough was enough. I yelled in defiance and willed the shadows to shoot toward her, wrapping her up and grabbing her limbs. Soon she was suspended over the bed, held still by shadows, except for her head which was staring straight at me with burning hatred.


I sighed, "Yeah, yeah, real original Artemis. Now would you calm down and think for a minute?" I had a feeling of what was going on here, so I was doing my best to keep my composure, despite being naked in front of the goddess who practically invented castration.

Zoe looked royally pissed off at this point and started telling her off, "I'm so damn tired of you acting like this! I don't know how you got here but you really need to get it through your thick skull..."

Nyx however, had gotten over her shock and seemed highly irritated. "How the fuck did you get here?"

Artemis just glared at her and said nothing. I thought to Chaos, "How did she get here?"

As you already guessed, she was put into a rage by Lucifer, when she felt Zoe about to lose her virginity. I'm clearing her mind now. She got here through a portal that I created for her.

I couldn't contain myself then, "WHAT!"

Everyone looked at me in surprise, "What's wrong," A very confused Jackie asked. She still seemed a bit wary of the tied up goddess. Next to her Reyna was just watching with her token blank expression.

I took a deep breath, "Chaos apparently brought Artemis here. Now the question that is probably on everyone's minds: WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT.


I blinked, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

It's actually impossible to explain to a non-omnipotent being. You'll understand when you're older.

I sighed, "Whatever. If you don't want to explain than just leave us alone.

What? But Percy—"

"No! this is bullshit Chaos! If you're not going to explain yourself than don't bother talking to us!"

...Percy I can't—"

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