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NGL I don't think I used the semicolon correctly, cause I can't remember how to properly use it. Oh well.
Percy POV

"Why couldn't you tell me all of this before?" I asked in exasperation.

Chaos sighed, "I still can't, for reasons I wish on every fiber of my being I could explain. They won't allow it."

""They"? Who are you talking about? And what do you mean you still can't? I know everything now."

Chaos smiled sadly, "They are something even I can't fathom. I created the universe, but who created me? Who created the one who created me? And so on and so forth. I wish I could let you keep this information but they won't allow it; I'll have to erase it from your memory, but I will leave one bit. You know you can trust me now right?"

I nodded, a million thoughts racing through my head. "Well yeah, I mean you're—"

She put a finger to my lips, "I know. The trust you feel will be with you when you wake up. Hopefully that's all you'll need."

She walked forward to me and pulled me into a kiss, one I eagerly reciprocated.

When she finally pulled back she said, "Stay safe E—"

I snapped up, breathing heavily. It took a few seconds for my eyes to process what I was seeing. I was in some sort of infirmary. It was different from the one at the Big House, about half the size. I was prepared to make my escape when noticed someone sitting in a chair in the right corner of my eye. When I turned to see who it was I almost thought I was still asleep.

Damasen was looking at me with concern, from a much shorter view point than I was used to. He had shrunk to human size, if you can call 7 feet human size. He still had his cherry red skin, which was now complimented by dark jeans and a black trench coat.

He stood up when we made eye contact. "Thank Chaos. I feared the worst."

I blinked, "Did you shrink or did I grow? No offense but I hope it's the former."

He looked confused for a moment, until he seemed to remember his current form, "Ah yes well, this was enchantment courtesy of Aphrodite. Apparently she is quite skilled in body modification. I would have been very appreciative if not for..."

I smirked sympathetically, "She tried to sleep with you didn't she?"

He shivered, "She said she "always wanted to try scaly giant dick." How vulgar."

I laughed out loud and reached up to fake gag, however I soon realized my left arm wasn't responding. One look at my shoulder answered why.

That's when everything flashed back to me at once. "Where's Cora?! And the others, where are they? What happened?" I felt myself growing panicked and rose to get up, but Damasen quickly rushed to my side and pushed me back down.

"They're fine Percy, they're all fine. Most of them are waiting in the other room, Cora is taking a nap. No one needs saving! You can thank yourself for that. Right now we are in the magicians awkwardly placed base of operations."

I exhaled a sigh of relief, sinking back down. "What happened? After I passed out I mean."

He sat down on the side of my bed, "The way it was explained to me was that as soon as that magician left, the enchantments keeping everyone restrained simply evaporated. Sadie and Carter were able their own portal using the sphinx, apparently it was easy with such a powerful relic, whatever that means."

I nodded. "So I figure I should address the elephant in the room earlier than later. What's the deal with my missing arm? I mean I get that it was cut off, but couldn't you reattach it or something? Maybe grow me a new one?"

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