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Percy POV

A stared down in shock at the frightened form of Bianca Di Angelo.

She was exactly how I remembered her to be. She was wearing her silver hunters uniform like Zoë. The only difference was that she looked about 17 now.

"Z-Zoë, Where the fuck are we? And why are you showing me to a talking drakon?" she managed shakily.

Zoë looked up and said, "I think that is enough with the drakon for now Percy. You're scaring her." She said sternly.

I widened my eyes and nodded. Maybe this is why everyone always calls me an idiot.

"Percy?" Bianca asked, "He's here too? Where is he? And why does that girl have tail?"

Before anyone could answer her, her attention was drawn by the fact that I was now shrinking out of my drakon form back into my armor. When it was done I found my self-lying on my side. I groaned and flopped on my back, feeling like I got run over by a truck, which I suppose is better than feeling like I fell out of the sky, maybe, I don't know physics wasn't really my thing. I sat up and shook myself off, before standing up and turning to Bianca.

I waved my hand, "Hello!" with a smile on my face.

I expected her to say something along the lines of: 'Percy! I missed you!' or ' Being dead sucked!'

Instead all I got was, "Where is Percy?"

Zoë looked at her confused, "What do you mean? He's right there."

"Where? Behind the big guy?"

I was utterly confused, "Bianca its me. I'm Percy."

She widened her eyes, "No you're not."

I chuckled nervously, "Uh yeah I am... Why do you think I'm not?"

She blinked, "You look nothing like Percy."


"Well for starters, you're like a foot taller, you're like 7 feet tall!"

I shrugged, "I hit growth spurt."

She shook her head. "Not only that but you are a lot more..."

I blinked, "A lot more what?"

She looked up with a tinge of red on her face, "...handsome."

I was actually taken aback. I wasn't sure whether to be offended or complemented.

I turned to Jackie and Zoë to see what they had to say about it, only to see that they also were a bit red. Nevertheless, Zoë nodded and said, "You have undergone some changes since you've been down here."

"Well shit," I said, "I didn't think it was that much."

"Anyways that isn't the point," Zoë changed the subject, "What the hell are you doing down here Bianca? Why aren't you in Elysium?"

She shook her head, "I shouldn't even be there. I was in the middle of applying for rebirth, when all of a sudden I found myself falling in that hole. Where I did I end up by the way?"

I looked at Zoë and Jackie and we all felt the same feeling: pity.

Zoë put her hand over Bianca's shoulder, "You're in Tartarus Bianca."

Her expression went to one of confusion, then understanding, then more confusion, then more understanding, and finally fears.

"What? Why? What did I do? Who would send me down here?"

That's when the realization hit me. "I think I might have an idea."

The girls turned to me, "Who?" Zoë asked.

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