Chapter 21

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The next morning, I felt well rested. In fact, I don't think in all my years in Tartarus that I ever felt this well rested.

The thought of having to get up was almost enough to make me cry. I kept my eyes closed, determined not to get up for as long as possible.

A cold draft went through the room, causing me to shiver. Without thinking about it, I scooted over to the warmest thing close to me, which was conveniently right next to me, whatever it was.

The thing beside me was very large, and very warm. It quickly helped me to get over the chill, but I kept clinging to it. Something about it made me feel happy. It was big and soft like a pillow. I found a little niche that I could lean my head into, and it fit perfectly. I sighed contentedly and began to run my hands over the rest of the pillow. I found a weird part sticking out of the side, as my hands ran down, feeling it slowly get thinner the farther down it went, until at the end, there was this weird thing. My hand traced over it and to my surprise, it almost felt like a...hand...

I open my eyes to find myself lying next to a very nude Perseus Jackson.

I quickly sat up and scooted away, mortified at what was happening. My first instinct was to grab my knife and castrate him then and there, but fortunately for him, I didn't have a knife on me, so I had time to make sense of the situation.

I remember that last night we went to bed with Percy's drakon armor keeping us cool under the warm blanket. But now the blanket was pushed back so it only covered our waists, I wondered how it got like that for about 30 seconds before I looked past Percy and saw Jackie sound asleep on top of the blanket with her head where her feet were supposed to be; turns out she is an obnoxious sleeper.

That left only one mystery left: Percy's nudity. Usually I would assume the worst, but then I remembered that this is Percy we're talking about. At the moment he was sound asleep, with a small line of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth, which he somehow managed to make look cute instead of gross. Looking at the adorable doofuss I lost all suspicion of him doing something wrong. This was his first time sleeping in armor he grows out of his skin; it probably wore off while he was unconscious.

It was then that I noticed a large tent in the blankets where his waist was.

I couldn't believe my eyes. He wasn't lying when he said that it grew to twice its original size, his penis was over a foot long. I resisted the urge to lift the blankets and take a peek, as that would be wrong on so many levels, but I was tempted all the same.

I wasn't worried about the fact that he had an erection. Back in the 80s, the Hunters of Artemis were losing more members than ever to girls falling in love secretly, and losing their maidenhood. Of course every time one lost their virginity, Artemis would know, and would banish them as some kind of forest animal. But the 80s were a bad influence and girls kept going. Eventually Artemis got sick and tired of turning girls into jackelopes and created a new rule: as long as you use protection when you betray her, she will guarantee your safety as an animal when she banished you. Apparently if you turn a human with an STD into an animal, the STD affected the animal, usually resulting in slow and painful death.

Long story short, I was put in charge of educating the Hunters in sex education, because Artemis didn't want anything to do with the subject.

So basically I knew about morning wood.

I realized that Jackie and Percy were not going to wake up anytime soon, so I could try to go back to sleep.

I looked at Percy asleep next to me, and for a second I considered leaning against him once more, seeing as it was so comfortable...

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