Chapter 14

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3 days later

Percy POV

I looked at the sight before me in awe. I was in my human form, as was Jackie. We both stared at the massive stone gate that stood in the middle of nowhere. It was covered with depictions of torment, demons, and skulls. This was the entrance to Hell.

We had finished our journey to the bridge between two hells. We stood in a clearing in the middle of the gigantic swamp. The demented gates looked to be about twenty feet high.

"All that's missing is a welcome mat." I said, "Let's go." Jackie nodded, and we approached the doors.

I gave them a small push, and found that they were as heavy as they looked. I used all of my enhanced strength to get it open. The doors swung open to reveal complete darkness. At least it would be darkness for beings that can't see in the dark, which we were not.

We stepped through the doors and found ourselves in a cave. It was damp, but it wasn't cold like in the hellhound lair. Instead it was warm and humid, like the swamp. Nevertheless we continued on. The cave had a tunnel going forwards; just large enough that Jackie's hellhound form could have fit through.

We crept through the tunnel silently, not knowing what would be in store for us. I had 'Conqueror' at the ready, and Jackie had elongated claws coming out of her hands, which was really cool. We were completely silent, until:


I jumped so high I hit my head on the ceiling. I growled in annoyance. I whispered/yelled: "What the hell man? We are trying to be quiet here!"

"Oh don't worry, this tunnel extends for another mile with no demons, we won't be disturbed."

"Alright fine now what are you bugging me for?" I asked impatiently.

"I'm just wondering what your plan is here." He asked

"We go in, kick the Devils ass, get Zoe, stop by the gift shop, and get out."

"Yeah that's all well and good except for the whole defeating Lucifer part."

"Why? I've defeated immortals before, how hard could one angel be?"

"You...utter dumbass. First of all, he is an Archangel, which are basically two primordials in case you have forgotten. And just in case I have forgotten, have you faced any primordials yet?" He asked angrily.

"Um... not yet but—"

"No buts! You are not ready to fight the Devil! So you need to promise me you will avoid him at all costs!"


"NO BUTS! You will have to fight him some day, but if you try today, you will fail. That isn't a possibility, it is a certainty. Are we clear?"

I sighed in defeat, "Fine, but I am going to kill some demons."

"Knock yourself out."

"I can kill some too right?" Jackie asked.

"Of course, as many as you like."

Jackie and I high fived.

We continued through the tunnel in silence. As we continued, the ground started to become covered in bones, blood, and other bodily fluids. It smelled worse than a sewer, and I hate that I know that.

Finally we saw a light up ahead. I led us to the opening and when we reached it we finally saw the Christian hell in all of its horribleness.

The sky wasn't rock like it was in Tartarus; instead it was just covered in blood red clouds, crackling with black lightning, which was kind of awesome. It felt about as hot as the inside of a volcano, which, unfortunately, I also knew for a fact. I really need to get out less.

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