[Kamijo] Let me paint you

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Kamijo POV------------

"Yeah i will be there tomorrow-"

"Okey i want a large Cappuccino and-"

"How about that one?"

"Oh over there-"

It's quite full today. When did this coffee shop become so famous? Might need to find a smaller, less crowded, one.

After taking another sip out of my coffee, i placed it back on the table and made my way out of the now much fuller coffee shop.

Striving through the streets, a small shop grabbed my attention.
When did it open?

I walk by this street almost everyday and yet didn't notice that shop.

My attention faded when i heard my ringtone ringing out of my pocket.

"Yeah...Alright, i will be there in" i moved my phone away from my ear to see the time "half an hour."

I guess this coffee shop needs to wait until i find some time in the evening.

Her POV------------

"Sure, i will start working right away" i said with a smile.

"Satoh-san will show you everything" the owner of the shop said, returning a smile and leaving us two in the shop to go do some errands.

"It's actually really easy, you need to write down the orders and place them on the counter here" he said and pointed at the counter. Little flowers pots were decorating the edges of the counter.

"Alright! Doesn't sound too hard"

"Don't underestimate it, when i started i almost mixed up all the orders on the first day."

"Alright alright, i will be careful" i said while giggling.

I went over to my first customer and took his order. As Satoh said, i placed them on the counter. Wasn't that bad, i hope it will continue like this.

My first day at work went by quite quick.

It's 11pm, so i still got half an hour to go. I quickly stuffed my phone back into my pocket after checking the time.

I looked over to Satoh, who was pointing to the back.

"Ah.." i quickly took my notepad and went to the back to get the order, of the person who got in there without making any noise.

"Hello, welcome to the Takahashi Coffee Shop, what would you-Oh". As i looked over my notepad to see the Custumers face, i got surprised, that i knew that face.

"Aren't you the Singer Kamijo?" i asked, still wondering.

"Yes" he said with a smile.

"Amazing" i blurted out without thinking.

"Do you have something with you, that i could sign" he said, while checking his own pockets to look for a piece of paper or a pen.

"Ah no no it's okey! I don't really collect autographs, so it's okey, but thank you! Ah but i would like to tell you that you do a great work with your music. Although i don't listen to much of it, reading your lyrics, i got quite impressed with you and your band"

"Ah thank you very much" he said, while smiling and bowing a little bit.

"Okey, i won't disturb you any longer, so what would you like?"

"a small dark coffee"
I nodded and wrote it down. "I will be right back"

Kamijo POV--------

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