Chapter 1: Missing the Train

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1967 London Train Station

Wait!, John!, somebody wait. Running out of breath Cynthia Lennon finally stopped running. Not being an athletic person she knew that even if she was the fastest person in the world that train would have always left without her.

This whole thing started with Pattie. Pattie had introduced George to meditation, she felt that she wanted to expand her mind and try new things. George and her had taken a trip to india last year and she came back enchanted and leapt at the chance of meeting someone this important in meditation.  And now here were the boys, their wives and the rest of the beatles entourage going to see The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Cynthia didn't know much about meditation, but she was interested in learning about it. Pattie made it sound so fascinating, and she found that maybe she and john could have a thing to share as a married couple. After all the last couple of months have not been the best to say the least.  She felt john slipping away from her more everyday. Like a handful of sand. 
But here was a chance to share something, together. Drugs, john had hoped would be something they could do together but after two bad acid trips cynthia vowed never to take lsd again. How could she for goodness sakes, she had a child to think about. She felt no need to expand her mind that way, but john was all for it, something she couldn't understand. It seemed that john and her wanted completely different things.

And the missing of the train just confirmed that. That train leaving was a symbol of her marriage. John was leaving without her.
Cynthia's purse fell from her shoulder and she bent down to pick it up. Shocked, she began to cry. Mostly to herself her eyes got so watery and she tried to hold back all of her tears but it was impossible, here come the waterworks. She tried to keep as quiet as possible. Trying to keep attention away from her. When at that exact moment cameras began flashing. I guess the press had realized who she was. Trying to cover her face she wiped her tears.

Miraculously at that moment Peter Brown had arrived. Stunned he escorted cyn to his car.
"Stop it, Stop it". Pete Yelled.
Im so sorry Cyn these bloody pigs don't understand privacy, "These are people not just puppets you can play with, pete yelled avoiding the hazards of photographers, press, and fans.  "Come on love lets go to the car." "Maybe we can get there before they even arrive he said trying to cheer her up.

"Thank you pete", Cynthia said quietly, almost still crying but she managed to wipe most of the tears.

Arriving to the car she noticed someone inside already.

Jane! Cyn said surprised but relieved. Jane had been through it all just like her, she was in a relationship with a man who was in the same situation her husband was she understood the pressure, of what that meant. And yet she and jane never really spoke, well. Besides the occasional gossip at parties.

"Cyn"? Jane said rather surprised and confused. "What are you doing here I thought you were going to go with the boys in the train"?

Well I was but.... I decided not to go on the train. To much movement.  Cynthia said lying.

Jane noticed but ignored it for now.

"Well six hours just you and me, jane said."

Cyn just nodded. With a faint smile.

"So Cyn... what really happened."

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