Chapter 11: The Truth

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Hitting her arm cynthia swatted away yet another mosquito. They were everywhere.
Sighing she continued to write the poem she was working on. Poetry had given cyn a way to express herself during the trip and she discovered she really loved to write. And looked forward to this new way of expressing herself.

Getting frustrated, her pen ran out of ink and looking for another she opened the drawer belonging to the desk. Suddenly she saw a piece of paper with writing on it.  Picking it up and reading she realized this was not just notes but a letter.

She looked at it for a few seconds and figured she should leave it alone considering it was not hers to read. But she figured this somehow involved john and yoko and proceeded to read it. At this point she could care less about privacy she was not going to let john get away with anything this time.

I am here wanting you, I have finally found my center.
This time of reflection has really shown me what i need.
And that is you,
I love you i love you. I have never experienced this kind of love.
Tell me that once i get back we can finally be with one another.
Please just tell me that. I will leave everything my wife, child, the beatles, everything if it means being able to love you forever.
Sending you love,

Almost on the verge of tears cynthia didn't know what to do, here was her husband, the man she had been with for almost 10 years proclaiming his love for another woman. Saying he is willing to give up everything for her.

It felt surreal. Everything they had built together turned out to be a lie, well at least apperntly to him.

And yet throughout this incredible shock cyn felt that this was inevitable. There was nothing she could have done to have stopped it.

Yoko was just the breaking point, her husband was unfortunately a man whom she didn't know anymore. It was clear that they were different people.

But what hurt was the fact that he had claimed their love wasn't real. Cyn knew otherwise, she knew that love was there, she always knew, and yet john didn't.

Wiping the tears that formed in her eyes she realized at that moment things weren't going to be the same ever again.


Sitting at a table with everyone, she looked around at all the couples sitting with her. She saw the love they all had. How tender and affectionate they were to each other. And she remembered how she and john were once in love. Seeing all these couples made her annoyed now.

Ugh so in love cyn thought rather annoyed, with all the affections of love surrounding her.

John finally came to the table.

Where were you mate, paul asked.

Oh i was writing a song, working on some words. John responded sitting down.

More like writing letters cyn thought.

Cyn just started forward she couldn't even look at john, just seeing him reminded her that everything was a lie.

"You ok cyn" the whole group asked noticing she was barely eating and was staring into space.

Ya she responded, picking up her fork pretending to eat.

As the group resumed talking john just stared at her, "You sure you seem lost in bloody space"  he asked confused.

Finally facing him, she said "i'm fine, just fine she said," rather angrily.

"Fine if you say so," john said returning to his meal.

The whole group were as confused as john was.
For the rest of the meal cyn sat quietly. When was the lying going to end she thought.

She knew she had to tell him what she found, yet she couldn't figure out how and when to do that.

She knew she must though.

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