Chapter 10: Love is All You Need

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Sitting outside with the beatles family cynthia was once again fanning herself, now with a proper fan.

She looked around at all the couples sitting, mo and ringo, george and pattie, jane and paul, even Jenny had Singer Donovan as her boyfriend on this trip it seemed that everyone was set. Except for she and john.

She stared at him as he was playing on his guitar. What happened to you? She thought.
Suddenly she saw riya slowly making her way to them.

She sat up with a big smile on her face, she and riya had gotten closer over that last couple days. Riya was young, carefree and very rebellious. Trying to get away from traditions and customs her family placed on her. She and tom where becoming fast friends, two people she could rely on when it would get to hectic with the beatle family.

Beaming with a smile the shy riya made her way over to cyn, being a big beatles fan she was doing everything in her power not to scream like a little fangirl.

Riya cyn yelled waving that she come over. Everyone noticed and were curious.

"Hiya, cyn" riya said nervously.

Cyn just chuckled, its ok riya, would you like to meet everyone?

"Oh I wouldn't want to bother everyone." She said shyly.

"Nonsense they would love to meet a fan."

"Everyone this is riya a good friend of mine I just made and a big fan."

The boys made there way over.

"Oh wow", riya said blushing, her face as red as a tomato.

The boys just laughed, Nice to meet you they all said shaking her hand and making small talk.

After a bit of talking Paul spoke up,
"Since you are our biggest fan here in india, i wish we could sign something for you."

"Oh well I just happen to have this autograph book with me" she said holding it up.

Cyn looked at her knowingly, and laughed of course she just so happened to have her book with her.

Well perfect paul said winking at riya making her blush.

Promptly the boys signed and said their goodbyes.

John staying wanting to know more about the girl who has become friends with his wife.

"Well cynthia the other reason i came was not just to admire these handsome boys, but invite you to my wedding. Its this saturday and would love it if you could make it. Both of you" she said looking at john as well.

"Please try to come you will make it so much more fun, if you don't go it will be just my future in laws and crazy sisters, you must save me."

Cynthia just chuckled, "Well I will be there im not to sure about my husbnd though he seems to be busy writing." Cyn said.

John gave a small smile "ill be there luv. You can count on it."

Cynthia looked at john suprised but happy he was making a small effort, or was he just doing it in front of riya, she couldnt be sure.

Oh wondeful, riya cheered jumping up and down.

John smiled, no matter how mad he felt during this trip he loved the fans and their enthusiasm.

"Ok then i shall see you both there, oh and tom is coming to bye cyn, nice to meet you mr lennon." Riya said excited.

Nice to meet you john yelled back.

Looking back at cyn he asked who tom was

"Just a friend me and riya have" she said sitting back down.

Continuing to fan herself.

Over the next couple of days it had been the same, john was as distant as ever and cyn tried to keep herself centered.

Meditation had gotten a bit easier, she was finally able to at least close her eyes for longer than 2 minutes without getting distracted.
It was still a challenge though.

"So when does this hard period finally end." cynthia asked as she and tom were walking.
I've tried clearing my mind of all the junk that is holding me back, like you said, but i still cant find that sense of devotion to what maharishi and the book says.

"When will the day come where i can be a fully fledged meditator." She asked

"What you want a day on a calendar." Tom asked chuckling.

"Well frankly yes, i'm a planner tom i like to know these things." Cynthia said chuckling.

"Well waiting is a damm waste of time lennon."If you wait for everything in life you wont get anywhere. Tom said.

"Look you have to do the work meditate every day." Tom said.

"I have, i just can't seem to find that devotion feeling." Cyn said.

"Well Devotion is love pick something or someone and think in them send them that love and through that you will start to feel it. Like maharshi said about that recurring sound just have someone or something recurring in your mind and send them that love dont think about them but send them love.  It's really simple Lennon" tom said laughing.

"How'd you get to be so smart huh" she responded.

"Divorce and a lot of reflection Lennon." Tom responded smiling back.

"And anyway this is about you not me, Look everything is going to be fine, you will find that sense of devotion just do the work." He said.

Cyn nodded. "What are those" she said seeing a little stand with a man selling various little statues.

Tom looked over "oh thats Ganesh," remover of obstacles approaching the stand he handed cyn the little statue.

Holding the small elephant cyn smiled, "I'm gonna need a lot of these" she said.

Arriving at the meditation center cyn decided to try what tom was talking about. She had decided to find something or someone she loved and send them that love. She looked around the room, spotting john, paul and the rest of the gang. She thought about them for a few seconds but got distracted again.

Looking around again she finally noticed riya concentrated with her eys closed.

Cyn just stared at her and began to focus on riya, sending her her that love, and cyn was finally able to concentrate.

Finally she reached that feeling of devotion.

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