Chapter 6: New friends

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"Ok" Cynthia said disappointed in her husband's complete lack of interest in being together.

She decided to go sit next to Maureen. She was probably the least interested in meditation in the whole group along with Ringo, and cyn knew she should go keep her company.

"Hey" cyn whispered.

"Ugh cyn, help me, I can't concentrate, I keep thinking about the children." Maureen whispered tempted to yell it out.

"You can do it mo, and jason and zak are fine. They have their grandma." Cyn said.

"I hope so" Maureen said taking Cyns hand for comfort.

Cyn just chuckled and began to try and concentrate.

After about 5 minutes she realized She just couldn't. She began to think about Julian and then began watching John meditate from across the room she wondered how Yoko was involved in all of this.

Finally Mo settled down and began to close her eyes

Still not concentrated Cyn opened hers.

Looking around the room she tried to focus on meditating and anything other than John, Yoko and Julian. Noting how hot it was she used her copy of bhagavad gita as a fan. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help herself. The weather in India was a sana.

Suddenly she noticed a man staring at her waving the book, he chuckled and shook his head going back to closing his eyes and meditating.

Cynthia half smiled and just continued to fan herself with the book. It was no use, she couldn't concentrate.

1 Hour Later

Still sitting Cyn was fully asleep, until she felt a nudge. It was the man who stared at her he had nudged her awake.

Cyn looked up nervously laughing "Oh I must have fallen asleep. Noticing the room was empty she realized it was dinner and everyone had left.

Yeah, What a pity, you are probably the only person who has ever fallen asleep during meditation he said with a rather smug look on his face. Smiling he walked away toward the dining hall.

Cyn was rather stunned and annoyed. Who is he to say that. She thought

Getting up she realized the group must all be at the table eating now.

Making her way to the dining hall she looked around and saw the group laughing and talking she was about to make her way over when she noticed the man with the smug attitude sitting alone at a table reading and eating.

Is he with anyone she thought?

She looked back at the group and wondered if they would know she wasn't there. Promptly she made her way to the table with the man.
Pulling a chair she sat down with her tray of food.

"Well hello have a nice sleep." He responded sarcastically.

I did.. I mean i didn't intend to, but, why were you staring at me she asked.

Well you were the only one without your eyes closed fanning yourself with a copy of the Bhagavad Gita. You don't see that every day he laughed.

Laughing she said "well I can't really concentrate."

To many things on the mind" he asked.

Sort of.... I am here with the Beatles one of them being my husband and I thought I would come here and find peace. But all I can think about are my ma..... Wait I shouldn't be telling you this i hardly know you.

Your Lennon's wife right. He asked.

She nodded her head.

"Well just with that Peace is gonna be hard to find." He responded. "Being married to a Beatle, jesus christ that must be rough."

She rolled her eyes. Crossing her arms

"Tom" he said extending his hand to Cyn. Shaking hands she smiled nodding her head.

"Now we aren't strangers see." Tom said. 

Chuckling she began to eat.

Look meditation, isn't about how hard you are concentrating what matters is that you are clearing your mind. You wont get anywhere if you are caught up on what you aren't or are thinking about. Tom explained.

"It's not as easy as it sounds." She said.

"Ya nothing in life is, especially marriages." He responded.

She looked at him, "Are you married." She asked.

"I was, now my ex wife thinks my name is asshole." He said smiling.

Cyn just laughed.

"Look just try to get in touch with yourself." Tom said getting up and leaving.

Cyn just sat there looking back at the group, she realized she should go back.

Making her way to the group she sat down next to her husband

"Cyn where were you" The girls asked.

"Oh I was just talking to someone." she responded innocently. The girls just nodded and ate on except jane who looked at her skeptically.

"Sorry I was gone so long love." She said kissing her husband on the cheek.

"Who was that." John asked clearly bothered.

"Who." Cyn asked trying to not know what he was talking about.

"The bloke you were locked in complete bloody conversation with." John said angrily.

"No one John just somebody I met relax" she said.

After they had finished eating they all made their way back to their respective bungalows. John walking ahead like always. Cyn was used to it and just decided to walk alone
Jane suddenly came beside her.

"Jane,  Cyn said where's Paul you guys should be going to bed."

"He is writing a song and doesn't let me sleep working on chords." She said "Let's walk a little bit", she suggested.

"Ok," Cyn said  looking at John. He probably won't even notice I am gone she thought
Walking along a path Jane asked "who was that chap cyn really?"

"His name is Tom a chap I just met, he was just giving me a bit of advice, Jane honestly it was nothing." Cyn said.

"You seemed really locked in conversation, the advice was that good cyn?" Jane asked.

"It was actually" Cyn responded.

"Does this have anything to do with John" she asked. "We have noticed you guys are pretty distant."

I can't share my marital troubles with you jane, cyn said nervously laughing.

I understand, well I guess I better get back to Paul and hear his complaints about not getting the chords right." Jane said laughing. "If you want to talk I am here Cyn."

Cyn nodded smiling giving Jane a hug.

"See you tomorrow dear" Cyn said.

Going back to the bungalow, she found John in bed with his arms crossed.

"So who was that bloke, and why why he trying to shack it up with you." John asked.

"Nobody Cyn said relax nobody is trying to shack it up with me as you say" Cyn said, annoyed.

Here we go again with John's typical jealousy she thought. Cyn was used to John's jealousy over the years.

"Let's hope" John said.

Cyn just rolled her eyes. 

After putting her pajamas she got into bed giving John a kiss on the cheek. He didn't respond but simply turned to face away from her.

Sighing Cyn just settled into bed.

She went to bed thinking about what tom told her.

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