Chapter 26: Tell me What You See

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John made his way to kenwood he realized he had left his wallet on the couch after all the commotion of the divorce proceedings.

Knocking on the door he expected cyn to answer and yet it was dot.

"Oh dot, john said. Sorry i thought cyn would have been here you should have gone home about an hour ago."

"Typically yes mr lennon but mrs lennon is out for the night and i was watching little julian. But she is rather late you see." Dot said. 

"Oh john said confused, did she say where she went?" John asked.

"Oh i believe just to a restaurant." Dot said.

"Oh well alright," john said not completely sure dot was telling the truth, not that dot ever lied but her lying voice wasn't to convincing.

"Well why don't you go on home, i can stay with jules" until cyn gets back.

"Oh but mrs lennon said".. dot began to say.

"I am his father dot really dont worry, go on now thank you again." John said. 

"Alright then love, tell mrs lennon good night for me." Dot said.

"I will" john said.

Shutting the door john realized what was actually happening.

Cyn wasn't just at a restaurant but at a restaurant with somebody, and it had to have been with a date, it must be some bloke.

John began to get very jealous, he felt it in the pit of his stomach. Exactly the same feeling from his college days.

Going to the kitchen he looked for something to drink.

Finding a bottle of scotch unopened he opened it and added some coke.

As he began to drink he imagined cyn flirting and flirting with this bloke.

She is still technically married he thought. She cant just do this.

Leaving julian all hours of the night, it's irresponsible she is a mother.

John sipped his drink finishing it rather quickly finding a beer in the fridge he began to drink it also.

Eventually he drank himself silly. Completely jealous, john was now drunk.

He wanted to punch the bloke she was with.

And yet throughout all of his jealousy he wondered why he felt this way.

He shouldn't have cared at all whatever she did, And yet the idea of her with a man made his blood boil.

After about 30 minutes, finishing the drink in his hand he suddenly heard the door open quietly.

Sitting down at the table he waited to talk to cyn, he needed to tell her how irresponsible this was.

"Sorry dot he heard her say my date went on longer than expected" suddenly she realized he wasn't dot.

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Oh cyn said fixing her hair, "what are you doing here" she said try to sound calm.

"I let dot go, you know its past midnight she should have been home by now." John said.

"Yes john i am aware" cyn said smiling, she seemed to still be remembering her date and how much fun she actually had.

"But you shouldn't have been here dot was looking after him not you" cyn remarked.

"Im his father cyn if anyone should be here it should be me." John said sipping some more of his drink.

"Oh god are you drunk" cyn said.

"No" john slurred.

"What's worse, not only did you leave dot here but you also were out and about on a date." John said.

"Here i am imagining you with roberto or barry your ex fiance." John said drunkenly.

"Barry?" Cyn said laughing stunned at how truly clueless john could be

"Well ya, who else could it bloody be, we've been together for 10 years." John said.

Cyn was finally annoyed.

"Ok you've made your point, why don't you go ahead and go don't you have yoko to call" cyn said sarcastically.

"You shouldn't be doing this cyn you have a child." John said.

"What?" Cyn asked

"You go on a date now. In the middle of all this," john said getting closer to her taking a sip of his drink.

"You still care about me, john said smirking i know you are just trying to make me jealous" john said getting even closer.

A mad cynthia took a few steps back.

Angrily she said "we are getting a divorce."

"We are still married" john answered.

"Your not a part of this family anymore john." She responded.

Staring at her he was hurt, but he decided to leave not wanting to keep talking about it.

As john walked toward the door, cyn said "don't forget to be at mr phillips office tomorrow we are finally signing. And be on time."

Shutting the door john got into the car as les proceed to drive him to pete's.

"You ok mr lennon" les asked noticing john had drank a bit to much.

"Ya les" john slurred "just go to pete's."

Driving john wondered how tomorrow would go.

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