Chapter 2: Goodbye Brian

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Beatles Manager, Brian Epstein was found dead at his london home on this August 27th 1967. These words blasted from the radio, from John and Cyn's car. Just a couple of hours ago the devastating news was announced over the phone. Cynthia couldn't believe it. Here was Brian,not just Beatles manager and successful empresario, but Brian, the boys confidant, the man who picked her up on her wedding day, and Brian her son's godfather. He was not just a friend but he was family. And now he was gone and at only 32 years old.

As stunned as cyn was she only imagined how John was feeling at the moment.
She reached for Johns hand, immediately john flinched it away.

She sighed watching john face out the window.
Only 32, christ John said." Why did it have to be brian. He asked.

Cyn tried to get him to look at her.

I don't know darling she said, but I know you loved brian, we all did. The best thing we could do now is do what the Maharishi told us. "Remember brian and the happy times, mourning will only bring bad energy to him."

"Christ cyn, what are we gonna do?" John said fully turning around to look at her.

Cyn took his hand again and he didn't flinch it away but rather took her hand and kissed it. She faintly smiled and rub his cheek leaning in to kiss him.

The sweet little embrace reminded them both they had been through so much together, they grew up together. If they could go through all of this there was nothing they couldn't face cyn thought.

The rest of the car ride was spent embraced together.

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