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Betty Cooper rose from her sleepy daze on Saturday morning wondering why her alarm was set for 6:30. It wasn't until full realisation struck her like a lightning bolt that it wasn't a terrible fiction from her slumber, but was in fact about to start before she arrived if she didn't get ready sooner. Elizabeth Cooper is and always has been Riverdale High's Star Student. She never found herself in trouble or even worse detention. In fact, she never so much as been more than lightly told off by a member of teaching staff. It frightened her that she had to attend Saturday morning detention, along with her best friend Veronica Lodge after the rich New Yorker had convinced innocent, rule-following Betty to skip "just one class" for a miniature shopping spree and had both been caught and of course been punished. When Betty's mother first found out, she was furious. She ranted to Betty about how this "wouldn't look good on her college applications" and how "she didn't know what had gotten into her." Betty was incredibly disappointed in herself at first for even listening to Veronica and receiving the detention, but she had to admit that it felt electrifying to venture out of her comfort zone and do something rebellious for once. And as she slipped on her clothes for the day, she quite ironically found herself wearing the same pale pink sweater with matching shirt she had purchased the day she and Veronica went on their shopping trip. She wondered, as she got in to the car with her mother to drive to school, who else would be there?

Archie Andrews woke an hour later than planned. Shit, he thought to himself. He had found himself landed in another wonderful Saturday detention at school. He had got it after he got into an innocent argument with Reggie Mantle after practice, which turned toxic faster than expected. Although Reggie had thrown the first punch to Archie's right jaw, it was the poor Andrews kid who had been spied by Coach Clayton as he repeatedly slammed the young jock's face into a sweaty locker door. Archie quickly passed his father in the kitchen and grabbed a muffin from the cupboard before rushing out the door, late as usual.

Jughead Jones sat up and stretched out his arms. He had plenty of time to get prepared for the upcoming day. A Saturday detention had started to become a part of his routine. It wasn't his fault, on the most part, but even Jughead himself knew that Principal Weatherbee strongly disliked the boy for no apparent reason and sprung at any chance he was given to put him in trouble. This time, it was for not handing in a short article on the deadline about the school's history that was to be added to the school website as a recent update. After all, he had been approximately 4 minutes late in handing it over Weatherbee's desk but, unfortunately, instead of leaving the room with a compliment of gratefulness and a smile, he left with an eye roll and a detention slip. He mumbled goodbyes to his sleepy father who had just woken and was seated at the table before grabbing his possessions and exiting the trailer, proceeding in the direction of Riverdale High.

Surprisingly enough, 3 of the 4 students awarded a detention, arrived to the school on time. Betty blocked her mother out completely as she got out of the car and walked towards the school, where her best friend awaited her arrival.
"Hey, B" Veronica greeted, looking at her blonde friend.
"Hey, V" Betty said, dread evident in her tone.
"Betty, don't fret over detention. I've had plenty in my time and trust me, it's just like an easy school day spent in the library" Veronica placed a well manicured hand on Betty's shoulder and offered her a comforting smile. "Besides, we're not alone" she said looking over the blonde's shoulder to indicate company. Betty turned around to see a tall boy with dark curls which were hidden by a beanie. He was walking alone, with his head looking down and a bag lazily swung around his shoulder. Betty wasn't so sure of his name, but she had definitely saw him before, and in fact, was getting strange de-ja-vu, as if she'd maybe even had a conversation with him before. Her thoughts were interrupted by Veronica's voice.
"You! Um, dude that I don't know the name of?" she was clearly talking to him, due to the fact that there was no one in sight other than the three and she was waving her hand about the air in his direction, as if trying to summon a zoo animal. He must've noticed because he raised his head and tugged at one of his earphones so it fell out of his ear and hung in the air beside his lower waist. He raised his eyebrow in response to Veronica's summoning.
"You here for detention too?" she asked him in a polite voice.
"Yeah, are you two?" He said quite surprised.
Veronica nodded, rather pleased with herself, but what Betty noticed was that his attention was on her. Betty nodded, looking at the ground.
"Betty Cooper? Riverdale's Golden Student at detention?" He said it as though it was the only way he could make himself believe it.
"You know me?" She questioned, completely ignoring his question.
"How can I not?" He argued. "When all Weatherbee does is drone about you and how I should be more like you."
Betty didn't know if she was blushing or was just simply cold by the pinching weather.
When the conversation had quite clearly ended, Jughead returned his earphone to its original position in his ear and entered the school. Betty and Veronica talked for a few minutes before following suit, to the library where the sign read, "DETENTION" and there was only one person inside, aside from B & V, and that was Jughead Jones, who had already taken up a window seat close to the back and was already typing various things into his laptop.

A/N   Hey, everyone! First, thanks for actually clicking on this story! I'm kinda new to this community and don't know much about it. But I really love to write and I love Riverdale! Also, I stan Bughead so much and they're my favourite ship! So I wanted to write stories and fan fiction about them. All of these stories are fiction obviously and credit for characters etc go to Riverdale!

This is my first story, so it isn't amazing but I did try. So I hope you all enjoy! Please be positive and feel free to critique anything or give ideas! All ideas and constructive criticism will be appreciated! Let me know what you think of the story in the comments!


~author ❤️

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