Escape Route

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Betty didn't care anymore. She was going to find Jughead before Chic could do anything to him. She had to, or else he would die, and she couldn't let that happen. She loved him too much... she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

In order to find out Jughead's location, Betty had to think like an evil mastermind, where would her brother go? Where would he bring Jughead? And just like that, it came to her.

Chic may be a heartless, cruel monster, but he was thoughtful and sometimes a bit too obvious. Betty knew exactly where Jughead would be, so she took her mom's car keys and drove straight there.

The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy.

And no, not the building itself, but the hatch underground leading to all the tunnels and ways in and out of the Sisters secretly. They weren't really a legit home and some of the things they did were slightly illegal, so entrances and exits and commonly used escape routes, Chic would definitely be there.

Betty parked the car and sprinted to the hatch.
She tried to pull, but she couldn't open it. She wasn't strong enough. She looked around for anything that could help her. She scanned the dirt and moss and spotted a rusty old metal fence around a dying rose bush. One of the metal bars was loose, so Betty grabbed it and wedged it between the hatch, prising it open and fortunately it worked. The hatch swung back and Betty was able to descend the ladders and get herself down.

She knew any kind of alarm or trap that would be set in here and was able to dodge them all. She knew her detective side would spark and all that time reading her Nancy Drew detective handbook instead of going to the park with her friends would come in handy one day.

She came to a door and when she opened it, the room was in darkness. Betty took out her phone and turned her flashlight on, and almost jumped out of her skin and yelped at the same time when she saw him.

Jughead. He was laid down, uncomfortably on the hard floor, and was red everywhere with blood. Not one slither of skin was showing on him and his eyes were shut. His clothes were ripped and his beanie wasn't on his head where it usually was. Betty almost broke down and started crying at his state, but she knew she had no time, she had to get him out of here and seek medical attention.

He's dead.

That was her first thought. She ran over to his side and shook him, whispering his name, but he wouldn't budge.

"Oh, my God. Jug," she whispered with tears coming down her cheeks.

He was breathing, but it was very faint and slow, as if he was finding it difficult and it wouldn't last much longer. Betty wondered how any person could possibly leave anyone in such a way, especially if they hadn't done anything to them. How Chic didn't feel guilt at all.

Betty needed to get Jughead to a hospital. She was running out of time, he needed oxygen. She knew it would be a struggle, but she put his arm around her shoulders and held him by the waist and lifted him up, half trailing and dragging him out of the room. As Betty tried to make her way out as quietly as she could, taking frequent breaks to restore her strength, she spotted Jughead's beanie lying on the ground so she picked it up and stuffed it in her coat pocket. As she kept moving, both herself and Jughead, she reached the ladders. There was no way she was getting him up there with her, it just wasn't happening. She couldn't call an ambulance because 1. There was no service here in the middle of nowhere and 2. Chic would hear and kill Jug straight away. Betty racked her mind for ideas. Any alternative way to get out of here.

Come on Betty, think! Think! This is your boyfriend, you have to get him out of here!

The only other way was through a door, but the door was padlocked and there was no way of opening it.

A lightbulb suddenly sparked in Betty's head.

All hail Nancy Drew, Betty thought as she retrieved the bobby pin from her hair and jammed it into the padlock, twisting it until—
There was a click, and the door unlocked. Betty smiled to herself as she placed the pin back in her hair.
"Like magic every time," she whispered as she kicked the door to open and brought Jughead through. She was running out of time, and she ran, well as best as she could through the hall, nearly at the exit until...

"Well, you better find a way because—"

Betty heard voices, and they were approaching fast. Coming into the hallway...

Betty quickly dragged Jughead into an opening in the wall and waited for the voices to pass.

They came down the hall, about 5 feet away from her, two people talking about killing Jughead, and then they left.

As soon as the voices were distant, Betty immediately dragged Jughead and ran down the hall to the door. She swung it open and they were free. She had to run with Jughead to her car and put him in before driving off and heading straight to Riverdale Hospital. She put her phone to speaker as she called her mom.

"Betty? Where are you, I was worried," Alice's voice came through the speaker.

"I'm okay, Mom, and I have Jughead," Betty told her mom.

"Oh, that's good!" Alice sighed in relief, "How bad is he, Betty? Is he going to make it?" Alice's voice suddenly went soft.

"It— He's bad, Mom. I'm headed to the hospital now. God, Mom, this is all my fault. I hope he makes it. He's just barely breathing. He has a family, a little sister, no he has to make it," Betty started crying as she spoke with her mother.

"Betty! He's strong. Jughead's a strong boy and a fighter, I can tell. He's gonna make it, okay, he will. Now just, compose yourself and drive straight to the hospital. I'll meet you there," Alice said.

"Okay. Thanks Mom. I love you," Betty said and then hung up.

She arrived at the hospital and managed to get Jughead out of the car and into the building. He was still faintly breathing and Betty shouted for help as she entered. Soon, doctors and nurses were flooding around her and Jughead was being taken away. No one seemed to be taking notice of Betty, standing there, her clothes covered in blood, tear stained face, messy hair, and just a state. She turned to a doctor who was heading in the direction of the rest who were wheeling Jughead away.

"Please— is— is he going to be okay?" Betty asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"We're not sure yet, once we take him in to surgery to see the damage then we'll know. Don't worry, we'll let you know, Miss?" He waited for her name.

"Betty. Betty Cooper. The boy, he's called Jughead Jones," Betty blurted.

"Just sit down and drink something. Or even go home and shower. I'll call you if anything happens to Mr Jones, Miss Cooper," the doctor informed her.
Betty nodded slowly and walked away and sat in the waiting room, alone, until her mother came and sat next to her, trying to comfort her but Betty still felt alone. And tired. And guilty. The only thing she didn't feel was normal. She didn't leave the hospital, even when Veronica and Archie came and told her to go home and shower or sleep, she stayed for hours while Jughead was in surgery. She waited, and waited and waited. He still hadn't come out yet, but Betty saw a nurse exit the room he was in and quickly ran up to her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Is he— is Jughead— is he okay?" Betty questioned.

The nurse looked at her and gave her a pitiful smile.
"You're Miss Cooper, I'm assuming you're Mr Jones' girlfriend?"

Betty nodded.

The nurse sighed.
"Mr Jones, he's had a lot of injuries. Broken ribs, a lot of slices and gashes on his face, with minor facial bruising, a concussion, a broken jaw, arm and some internal bleeding. He is trying his best and so are we, but there is a lot to deal with, and partially due to the broken ribs, his breathing is impaired and he's finding it hard to breathe himself.

So... we don't think he's going to make it."

Shit, please don't come at me!
Thanks again for the support on the story it will be updated again soon❤️

I want to know when I should start putting out my second story also if you all want. I will still continue this one too. 

Thank you all so much! I love you x

~ author ❤️

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