Wake Up Next To You

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Betty woke up feeling comforted and safe. And to her surprise, it wasn't even in her own home. She paused for a minute, sitting up in bed, wondering where the heck she was. A small click went off in her brain and she then remembered, she was in Jughead's house.

She took in her surroundings, she was in Jughead's room. She smiled as she looked around from her space on the bed, it was so him. He had stacks of books piled onto shelves, a chest of drawers in one corner, a small bedside table and many pictures stuck around the walls. She smiled. He looked so happy, his family looked so at ease. There was, she was assuming, a family picture, a tall man, with black hair, similar to Jughead's and a matching beard was standing with a smile on his face, holding a small little girl with long dark brown hair and the brightest blue eyes who appeared to be laughing. Next to the man was a beautiful young woman, with medium length black hair and a smile on her face as her arms fell around the shoulders of a young boy, slightly older than the small girl, with a cheesy grin on his face and an all too familiar crown beanie planted on to his curly black locks that fell messily over his eye. She looked at the happy family, before questioning herself, how did this family end up as it is now? She remembered Jughead telling her about how much he misses his little sister, Jellybean, and how his mother, who he made clear that he didn't miss at all had took that away from him. She moved her eyes from the picture, to see something else that caught her eye. Among all of the pictures of his family, his sister and him making silly faces, a dog appearing in one of them, she spotted a picture stuck right above one of his father and him. Her heart melted when she realised it was a picture of her and him. Not just any picture though, the picture Veronica had taken of the two at school. She chuckled to herself as she memorised Jughead's coolness and disinterest at the whole thing while Betty was cooing at the cute picture. Jughead had printed it out and hung it in his room, and that made her feel loved.

She could barely really remember anything last night. All she remembers is the very heated argument between her mother and her in Pop's and then crying most of the day, with Jughead comforting her. She almost couldn't remember him taking her back to his place, but then she faintly remembered seeing a small kitchenette and a couch in front of a T.V...


Where was he? She looked to either side of her, realising he wasn't in the bed with her, and hadn't been. The bed had no trace of anyone that had been sleeping next to her and she wondered where he was. She then remembered, as she glanced towards the wall of pictures again, his father! He lived with his dad, and Betty had been too exhausted to even greet him. Great first impression, Betty. She scoffed, she hadn't even met the man and she was already staying in his trailer because of her dysfunctional family. She didn't think of him as a judgemental person though, after everything he and his family have been through. She reached for her phone to check the time.


She needed to get up and stop laying around and moping all day. She needed to find Jughead and give his father a proper first impression.

Just as she swung her legs off the bed, still in her clothes from the night before, a smell of breakfast wafted under the closed door. She hadn't even realised how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten in maybe 28 hours. Before she made it to the door though, she caught sight of herself in the small mirror which rested on the chest of drawers. She looked an absolute mess. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and her eyes were red and dark underneath. Her hair was in every direction and she realised how disgusting she felt. She tried to fix her hair, thanking herself for always carrying a hairbrush in her handbag. She brushed her hair into a neat bun and decided that was the best she could do for now.

She opened the door and slowly padded down towards the smell, her nostrils leading her to the kitchen/living area she vaguely remembered. She immediately noticed the large blanket and pillow which lay on the couch, and just as she turned the corner she spotted Jughead, in his pyjama pants and a white tank top, beanie-less and hair messy, back towards her, busying himself with whatever was in the frying pan. He clearly hadn't noticed her presence, so she slowly walked towards him before hugging him from behind.

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