An Unwanted Guest

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Betty stuck to her word. She made sure of it. After another two weeks, Betty was still staying at Jughead's enjoying life without her controlling mother down her throat. She could do what she wanted now. She could practically hear her mother's screaming as she broke every rule she set. But she drowned out the voice in her head and smiled to herself as she did them.

It felt good to rebel. To go against her mother's plans. To do anything she was ever told not to do. Especially with Jughead by her side.

Her mother still hadn't called her back since the heated phone call, but she wasn't expecting her to either. She knew how stubborn her mother was, and childish. She wasn't going to back down, she never did, when she strongly believed something, she never gave in. Betty took that after her mother. They both had positive and optimistic attitudes, and were very perseverant people. So, often when they didn't agree on things, they were both hard to sway.
It was usually Betty who gave in though, not because she gave up, because she simply knew her mother wouldn't, and she wanted to just let it go and make life easier for herself.

But this time, Betty wasn't going to back down. Until her mother was happy for Betty and Jughead, Betty wouldn't come home, she would avoid her mother at all costs, and she would cut all contact with her. That all went down the drain though, on one Saturday afternoon.

It was a Saturday at around 4pm, Betty and Jughead were at Pop's getting food. They sat in a booth and talked, laughing and feeling relaxed, generally having a good time. Just as they finished, the waiter came over to take away their plates.

Betty laughed at a joke Jughead had made and then her phone rang, she went stiff. She was still quite angry about the other phone call. Jughead grabbed her hand that was laid on the table and held it.

"Hey, Betts, it's okay. You don't even know it's her yet. It's probably Veronica or something," he comforted her.

Betty nodded and reached for her phone.


Betty read the name and lowered the phone, looking away and trying to stifle a sob.

"It's her," she barely whispered.

"Answer it, Betty," Jughead said, still having a strong hold on her hand, "It's obviously important."

Betty answered the phone and turned it to speaker phone.

"Betty," Alice's voice sounded through the phone, she sounded worried, scared and frightened. She was whispering, taking sharp intakes of breath and Betty's angry face soon turned curious and concerned.

"Mom? What is it? What's wrong?" Betty asked with curiosity. She took a glance at Jughead and he was about as confused as she was.

"I-I need you to c-come h-home, Betty,
p-please," Alice was crying and Betty could tell by the tone of her voice.

"Why? What's going on?" Betty questioned.

"He's h-here," Alice whispered through the phone, voice quiet and fear laced in it, "please come home... he's here."

"Who's there, Mom? Who is—" Betty tried to ask but the line cut off.

Jughead looked confused and worried, as did Betty.

"We need to get there, Jug. She's in trouble," Betty told him, standing up and starting to leave.

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" Jughead queried as they exited Pop's and climbed into his truck.

"No, I have no idea," Betty stated, sounding frustrated, "that's what's scaring me more."

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise," Jughead soothed, trying to calm her down.

Pop's wasn't that long from Betty's house and soon they were parked outside the driveway.
Betty made a start to get out but Jughead pulled her arm to stop her.

"Hey," he called as she turned to him, "just breathe."

Betty took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

"Look, whoever's in here, whether you know them or not, you need to go in with a cool head. Just remember I'm gonna be right there, okay?" Jughead told her.

Betty composed herself and nodded, giving him a smile. "I love you," she said to him.

"I love you too."

They made their way up to the house and when Betty opened the door she called out for her mother.

Alice emerged from the kitchen, tear stained cheeks and face full of fear.

"Betty..." she said.

Betty looked confused, and just as she was about to ask who was here, her question was answered.

He emerged from the kitchen, following Alice, and Betty's confused face went from her mother to him. Her face filled with rage but she remembered what Jughead said, as he stood right beside her.

"You," she said, voice filled with hatred.

"Now, now, Betty," he said, in a sarcastic and intimidating tone,

"That's no way to greet a guest."


tHaT's No WaY tO gReEt A gUeSt

Plot twist lol. I managed to conjure up some kind of past plot and backstory that I added in to spice things up and make it more interesting.

Who do you think he is?

Will he be trouble for Bughead? 🤫🤐

Revealed in the next chapter.....

Thanks so much again for all the support!💖

~author ❤️

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