Where's Jug?

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A/N Please read the full a/n at the end once you read this chapter, hope you enjoy❤️

A week after the whole Chic comeback, Betty was still on edge. She'd moved back home and thanked Jughead and his dad for letting her stay for that long. She knew her and her mother still hadn't came to an agreement about the Jughead situation but she had to look after her, especially if Chic was around again. She wouldn't risk it, she knew her mother was kind of getting used to Jughead, but knew she hadn't fully accepted it yet, but that dilemma would have to go on hold until Chic was dealt with.

Betty was starting to get agitated and was constantly on edge and anxious. He still hadn't made an appearance, and that was what was scaring her and driving her out of her mind the most. He could strike at any time, do anything, crazy, fucked up things were sane to him, and he was getting revenge on her for being in jail for 5 years, so it had to be a bit crazy for him, how crazy would that be for her?!

Like she said, she wasn't afraid of him. Jughead, everyday, reassured Betty that if anything happened to call him, he would be straight there. He even made her put his phone number on speed dial. He called round to the house at least twice a day to check on the girls and make sure everything was okay and at times like this, Betty was so grateful and she genuinely didn't know what she'd do without him.

She'd informed V and Arch about Chic, but it wasn't the same. Sure, Veronica knew about him and was extremely worried, but Betty didn't want to put extra stress on her, so she told her she would handle it. Everything was getting out of control to the point where Betty could feel her sense of control slipping through her fingers.

It was a normal Saturday afternoon, except it wasn't. Nothing felt right anymore, nowhere felt safe, and Betty always felt tense incase she was being watched. She didn't think he was stupid enough to pull the same stunt as last time, but she sure did know he wasn't going to let her off with a slap on the wrist. She was going to have to pay.

Sitting at her window seat, hugging her legs and looking out of the window, Betty suddenly feels six years old again. When she used to watch all the cars drive down her street and count how many there were of each colour, when losing count was her only worry. Everything had changed. Some for the better and some for the worse. It all just seemed the worst was crumbling down on her now, and she was helpless.

Betty was getting restless. Nothing was happening, if he was going to do something to her, she wished he'd just do it already, instead of playing a waiting game with her. She decided to call Jughead and see where he was. He didn't answer, which was weird. He usually picked up on the first or second ring. She left a couple of voicemails and then decided to go and get a shower. When she got out and changed, she had received a text from Jughead on her phone.

Jug💙: Hey, Betts. Don't worry about me and don't call. I'm okay x

Betty knew something was up. Jughead never acted weird this way. He would never tell her not to call. In fact, he would tell her to call so she could make sure he was okay. Also, he never sent her one 'x.'

Betty called again, and it went to voicemail.

Jug💙: Betty. I'm fine. Leave me alone and stop calling.

This certainly couldn't be Jughead. He would just call her even for a minute. He never, ever reacted this way. She was going to try one more time, he would get sick of it and have to answer this time.

So she dialled again.







You've reached Jughead. Leave a message. Or just don't. I probably won't answer either way.

Betty's heart melted at his cute little voice on his voicemail. Why couldn't he just answer? So she could at least hear his voice for a minute. She needed him, and he knew that. He knew she was going through a rough time, of course he would answer.


Betty grabbed her phone and almost took a heart attack at the message.

Jug💙: Betty, I swear to God. Call again, and I'll give him another round, so he'll be choking on more of his blood than he already is. Who's going to save the day now, damsel in distress?

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A/N Hey guys! I'm sorry for the wait, but it's back! Hope you enjoy this cliffhanger

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for the wait, but it's back! Hope you enjoy this cliffhanger. Thanks again for all the love and support on the book and I'm amazed thank you all again so much for 10k reads!! Insane. There's an actual message dedicated to it on my wall if you want to read, I don't want to hold you up on here but..

I just want to let you know that if you guys ever need anything, may it be advice, a new friend, someone to talk to, or even have any questions, don't hesitate to message me. I will reply as i have a lot of free time although school has started again and I really am looking to make some IBFs so hmu lol😂

Alsooooooo..... new story update?
I'm currently still working on a brand new book that I hope you'll all like, so I want to know if you'll read it or even be interested in me publishing it? It's Bughead ofc and quite a slow burn book, with a bit of angst if you're into all that. So just let me know and I'll keep you updated with publishing dates etc...

Thanks again guys!! I love youuuuu

~author ❤️

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