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"Me too." Betty answered to his nod with a wide, bubbly smile. "What do you write about?" She asked him, getting excited.
"Don't get too excited." He replied, looking hesitant to expose the content which was displayed on his computer screen to this girl he had just met, but for some reason, he already felt like he could trust her and felt a, connection? He really needed to stop reading romance novels. "They're not girly fairytales." He didn't mean for it to sound rude and by the look of her face he regretted it instantly. "Not that I'm saying that's what you write I—" he was lost for words, what's wrong with him? He never stumbled on his words over a girl. Ever.
Betty giggled. "Oh, you didn't offend me. That's my interested face" she informed him.
"Oh. Well, that's good then." He said with a relieved breath.
"So what do you write about?" She asked for the second time.
"It's kinda dark, actually. I like to write about mysteries, murder, unsolved cases, my dreadful high school life and my ugly childhood. Right now, I'm kind of writing about my life and what's happening. Like a diary" he explained to Betty, who was so interested and absorbed in what he was saying it made his heart warm. No one ever cared to even ask about what he wrote or how his day had been, or even been genuinely interested in anything he spoke about.
"That's amazing. It sounds so interesting. Next time you see me you should let me read an extract. I know it's quite personal, and you wouldn't really want anyone reading all of it, but I'm interested in seeing what skill you've got" Betty spoke with a soft tone.
He never allowed anyone, not even his father, to look at his writing. He was the only one who had ever read it. And he didn't know why he said what he said to Betty after.
"I actually have some on my laptop now, if you wanna read a bit." He suggested, motioning to his gadget that was placed beside him.
Betty nodded enthusiastically and he slid the laptop over to her side of the desk. He watched as her eyes grew wide and her facial expressions changed as she skimmed through the words. He could tell she was intrigued by his detail and the small movements she made to her face while reading it with sincere enjoyment made him smile with actual pleasure. She looked back up at him with an amazed expression sewn on her face, like she had the best idea. He assumed she'd finished reading and when she slid the computer swiftly back in his direction, that was confirmed. "Jug, this is amazing." The nickname made him soft inside. "Thanks" his smile was beaming and he wondered if she noticed.
"No, I mean it. You've got talent." She smiled at him. He could tell she was telling the truth by the green inside of her eyes sparkling with innocence and truth. A large sparkle came to her eye as she gasped, a light bulb moment.
"I have the best idea!" she almost squealed and then clamped her hand to her mouth when she recounted Weatherbee's third rule of detention. Jughead couldn't help but smile at her goofiness. Cute goofiness. She was doing something to him.
"What's your amazing idea that nearly got you breaking another rule?" He smirked. She playfully rolled her eyes.
"You should join the Blue and Gold!" No, he thought straight away, that was the answer, but before he could say it she butted in,
"and before you say no, your work is really good, Jughead. And I could use some help. I want to write darker, more real stuff like your work. The Blue and Gold could use a glow up. A new writer? And you could write about whatever you want. You could help me" she added.
He really didn't want to do it, but she was persuading him otherwise without even using words ever so slightly by the second.
"Betty, I just don't think my type of writing is the type to fit a high school newspaper" he said.
"Oh but it is Juggie, please" she made a pouting face. And he gave in. He couldn't say no to her. The new nickname which he adored, the pout on her beautiful face, the excitement she couldn't control and the sparkle of excitement that also danced in her eye that he could see, the wide, ear-to-ear smile that was plastered on her face less than ten seconds ago. He didn't know what he was doing. Why was this girl changing his mind?
"Alright. Fine, I'll join" He said with a playful grin.
Her whole angelic face lit up.
"Yay! Okay, great!" she said clapping her palms together once. "You can start Monday! Thank you so much, Juggie. I know I won't regret this, you're the best" she leaned over the table to hug him. He was startled at first when she threw her arms around his neck and nestled her face into the crook of his neck. He was surprised but slowly wrapped his arms back around her back and leaned his chin on the top of her head. He didn't want to let go, and truth is, neither did she. She smelled like vanilla and strawberries, and her breath was warm against his neck. She finally broke the embrace and pulled away, the same smile still on her face, and a matching one on Jughead's. They had then realised that Archie and Veronica, who they had completely forgot about were still seated next to them and although, Archie and Veronica were on Cloud Nine flirting with each other, they were still in Riverdale High and at detention where they could hear the two beside them squealing and noticed when they embraced each other.
"What's going on?" Veronica raised her eyebrow in a confused matter, but nonetheless was smirking at her best friend.
Betty struggled to explain.
"Um, uh, um... Jughead" she looked over at Jughead and then back to Veronica to finish her sentence. "joined the Blue and Gold" she said with a smile that looked something like this.

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