He's Back

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"Chic," Betty said, with anger in her tone.

"That's right, Betty," he replied, slowly walking forward, full of confidence and power in his voice, "I have to say I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd recognise me after the five years I spent in prison that you got me in to."

Betty was furious and Jughead held her hand tight.

"Who's this then, B?" He mocked, nodding in Jughead's direction, wiping an apple off his jacket and biting into it, "One of your new follow-arounds?"

Betty boiled with anger and rage. It was fine him mocking her and she could deal with that, but when he brought Jughead into it for no reason, that's when he crossed the line. He didn't even know him.

"Just cut the crap, Chic. What are you really doing here?" Betty bit back. Betty's mother might've been afraid of Chic after what he did in the past, but Betty wasn't.

"What? Oh, little sis," he said, approaching her, "I just came back to see my loving family."

Betty looked at him with a poker face, knowing it was lies.

"And yes, I do mean the one that includes the baby sister that got me into the old slammer," he said sarcastically.

Betty scoffed and folded her arms, "Well, that's where you deserved to be, after what you did. Locked away."

He scoffed, "Don't pretend like you aren't scared of me, Betty." He walked backwards towards Alice who flinched when he reached his hand out towards her.

Betty took a deep breath. Chic tutted and lifted his hand and tucked Alice's hair behind her ear and then wiped a tear from her face. Betty knew what he was capable of, but she refused to let him petrify her like her mother did.

He then walked right up towards Betty and Jughead reacted, guarded her, putting his arm in front of her and stepping forward a little.

"Oh." Chic said, putting a hand to his heart in mock shock, "You've got yourself a good one, sis."

"I am not your sister, you psychopath!" Betty fumed.

"Well, call it what you like, but we're related whether you like it or not," he grinned in pleasure.

"Tell me why you're here," Betty spoke firmly, eyeing him fearlessly.

"You know, lover boy over here," he pointed at Jughead, "seems quite clueless. Have you ever told him what really happened?" He changed the subject, turning it around on Betty and finding pleasure in her fury.

"Or will he run when he finds out that it's all too crazy?" He mock whispered, raising his eyebrows and widening his mouth, sucking in a breath.

Betty's nostrils flared, as the fury and also possibility that he was right bubbled in her.
"Stop changing the subject and just answer my question, why. are. you. here?" Betty spat.

He stepped closer and leaned in to her, fake whispering, so everyone could hear,


He stood back up, opened up Betty's balled fist and placed his apple core in it, turned to Jughead and ruffled the beanie that was on his head and then walked out the front door, the slamming heard soon after.

Betty looked around as everyone stood silent and still. She glanced at her mother who looked afraid and apologetic and then glanced at Jughead who looked down at her in confusion and worry.

She had to explain to him now. She had no other choice.

Oh boy.

Oh boyyyyy

A short but interesting chapter. So here you go! You seemed really hooked on who it was in the last chapter and a few guesses even...

I'm finally back and I hope it was worth the wait! I promised you all an update today so here it is and I hope you like it! 6k reads!!!!!! Whatttttttt!! I'm genuinely baffled and speechless! I can't thank you all enough😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

What did Chic do?

What will happen next?

Stay tuned. Love you all💖💖

~ author ❤️

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