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It had been two days now. Betty was going out of her mind. She was becoming impatient and felt helpless and scared in a cell, locked alone, all day every day, with only an hour's visit allowed from her mother every day. She felt like a criminal, even though she knew she wasn't. Just sitting behind a large bullet-proof glass window, and having to talk to her own mother through a phone was like she was dangerous. Yet she wasn't. She just cried her way through it honestly, asking every officer that passed about Jughead, but apparently he hadn't woken yet.

Where Betty's cell was positioned, she could see everyone who entered and exited the police station, and they could see her.

It was now day two of prison, and Sheriff Keller walked by, and stopped at Betty's cell.

"So, Betty, we just got a call in reception from the hospital."

Betty immediately sat up straight and raised her eyebrows, anticipating the answer.

"You'll be happy to know that Jughead is now awake and well."

Betty could've cried with joy. In fact, she did. She rushed over to the bars and held on to them.

"He's awake? Oh, my God! This is a miracle. When can I see him, Sheriff? Please, I have to see him!" Betty exclaimed.

"Betty, I explained this. The hospital need to keep Jughead in for a couple more hours to make sure everything is fine and healed and then they'll release him. He has to come straight here to be questioned before he can see you," the sheriff continued.

"But— But Sheriff Keller. You don't understand, I have to see him! Can't I see him for literally five minutes?" Betty asked.

"I'm afraid not, Betty. Although, I'm told by FP Jones and your mother, that he woke up calling your name, and he asked for you. His father and your mother explained the situation to him," Sheriff Keller told her.

Betty smiled, a small, happy smile. Just knowing that Jughead was awake was the best news she could've received at that time.

"I miss him, that's all, Sheriff. Would you be able to tell him that for me?" Betty asked.

"Of course I will, Betty," the sheriff smiled.

Hours were going past, and Betty longed to get out of this entrapment. Go to the hospital. See Jughead. Awake. This was one of the longest times she'd been without him and it was killing her. A deadly and silent killer. Worse than any physical pain Chic could've put her through. And where was he now? God only knew. He'd probably fled town as soon as Betty was thrown into the borstal, leaving without a whisper so no one would find him to charge him of fake accusations when the truth did come out.

Betty hadn't been sleeping well. She was sleep deprived; dark circles and bags under her eyes and a pale face. She didn't feel herself, she wasn't herself. She looked horrible, and she knew it. Even if Jughead did see her, he probably wouldn't even recognise her.

A few hours later, Betty was told that Jughead had been discharged from the hospital. She knew he had to come down to the police station for questioning. And just as she was thinking about him, she heard the familiar sound of the sheriff station door creak open, and a lot of voices entering. Immediately, and so instant and familiar that lifeless Betty sprung to her feet at his voice. His voice. Even over all of the loud ringing and deputies' voices... Jughead's stood out to her. She jumped up to the bars, peering out as she caught a glimpse of the scene in reception. Around 5 deputies, including Sheriff Keller were talking and explaining things to FP, who was filling out some papers, and also Jughead, who was stood in the middle, looking as better as ever, a confused and disbelieving look on his face. FP was shouting at some deputies, as he filled out the pieces of paper, saying something about 'accusing a young boys girlfriend is low enough, so stop rushing me.' The deputies were focused on FP, and as Jughead looked around, he caught Betty's eye. Betty smiled widely at him and instantly, her eyes filled with tears. Jughead's face lit up, and he smiled, tears strolling down his eyes too. He ran over to her cell and grabbed her face through the bars, Betty clutching his arms, just trying to touch him again.

"Betty. Oh, my God! It's you. Look at you. What have they done to you? You shouldn't be here!" Jughead exclaimed. Betty shook her head, shushing Jughead at his usual selflessness.

"Juggie, you're alive. I thought you were gone, and I've missed you so much. I promise I would've been there for you waking up. I waited in the hospital days. Keller wouldn't let me leave, I'm sorry I let you down," Betty cried as he stroked her face.

"You didn't let me down, Betts. You were my fighter. I came back for you. I knew you needed me. I heard everything you said in the hospital room. I'm not going to let you stay here, I'm going to do something about this, okay?" Jughead said. The police had now realised the forbidden scene that was unfolding and rushed to stop it, trying to pull Jughead away from Betty.

"No! No! Let her out of there! She can't be in there," Jughead was sobbing now as he was being dragged from the bars, being forced to release his touch to Betty.

Betty was crying at his protectiveness and was smiling a small smile at him.

"She can't stay there! I know you didn't do this, Betty! You would never do anything to hurt me! I'm gonna get you out of there! Let go of me!" Jughead was now screaming. Betty, from the corner of her eye spotted FP, smiling a sad smile.

"Do something! They can't do this to her! I love her! Betty!" Jughead was shouting.

"I love you, Jug," Betty just whispered.

Jughead continued to scream as he was pulled further away from the love of his life and into the questioning room, and Betty watched as it happened.

Betty was thankful he was here, and that he didn't believe she did it. But she couldn't help but whisper, as the door closed to the room,

"Don't worry about me, Jug, just know that I love you."

And then, she was left by herself.



Hey guys!!!!
I'm sorry I've been inactive with updating lately, I know I'm a mess😭😭please forgive me😂

I don't want to seem like I'm making up excuses but school and schoolwork have really been drowning me and I still now have so much to do but I managed to update for you all because I love youuuu❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy this part... I know it's not as interesting and fun as the others but I promise it will get better. This story might be coming to an end soon so I want to think of the perfect ending, and with school on top of that it may take some time!❤️I'll always keep you posted though!! Again, feel free to leave a comment or message me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!!

Thank you so much again for the support and votes and reads!! I think it's 18k now which is pretty insane because the last time I've been checking was when i had 10k and that was huge for me so thank you all millions!!! I'm so glad you enjoy this book!!!❤️❤️

~ author❤️

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