thank you!!!!💖💗💕(i need ur help)

4.4K 72 17

Omg!! Thank you all so much for 1k reads!

It may not seem big to some but to me it's an amazing achievement! Thank you all for all the votes and for adding this story to your reading list it means so much to me!! It's unbelievable how 1,000+ people have read my work and it's really boosted my confidence, I'm so happy you like what I write!💖

I know this story is kind of going down hill so


I need further ideas for this story/plots otherwise I don't know what to continue with!
Please please please, feel free to comment any ideas or plots and I'll put some of my favourite ones in the story AND of course give you credit and shout you out!!!

THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!💖💗💕I love y'all😭😭😭😭

~ author❤️

Detention - bughead storyWhere stories live. Discover now