Hall of Shame

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Ring. Ring.

Betty's alarm sounded, louder than usual. She woke sleepily, eyes still closed and reached up to turn off her alarm. In the process, her hand hit something hard. She hit it again and as she rolled over and opened her eyes, she realised Jughead was lying sound asleep beside her, and her head was now situated on his chest. She smiled at how soundly he was sleeping, before she checked her alarm and realised it was later than usual, and they needed to get to school.

She leaned over him, and kissed his lips softly. "Get up, sleepyhead." She said softly. After she thought he still wasn't awake, she went to roll off of him to get herself ready. He pulled her back and leaned in to kiss her once again. Once she pulled apart, his hands on her hips, he smiled up at her and she looked at him curiously.

"How long have you been awake for?" She questioned, realising he was probably awake most of the time she was staring dreamily at him.

"Mm, maybe since your alarm went off. I'm not that deep of a sleeper, Betts." He smirked.

She playfully rolled her eyes, and he looked at her with love filled in his eyes.

"What?" She furrowed her brows, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"You're just so beautiful. And you look adorable in the morning." He said, smiling at her and running his hands over her smooth hair. She blushed and giggled down at him, meeting his lips once again. They were interrupted by a loud knock coming from Betty's bedroom door.

"Elizabeth! Are you up yet? You have to leave for school in twenty minutes! Breakfast is downstairs!" Betty's mother called through the door.

Betty immediately jumped off Jughead and they both were frantic, not knowing what to do.
"Shit!" Betty whisper-shouted. "Um, I'm up, Mom! I'm getting ready now, be down in 5!" She called out. She exhaled a long, deep breath when she heard the footsteps of her mother descending the stairs, silently thanking whatever it was that stopped her from entering Betty's bedroom.

Jughead was up, quickly putting on his shoes, and fixing his beanie. Betty realised she was still in her pyjama top and shorts. She turned to Jughead.

"Are you okay to go out the window?" She asked him.

He nodded with a smile, making his way over.

"Call back in 5 minutes! I need to get out of this house as soon as possible to avoid her questioning." Betty said to him, leaning out her window as she watched him descend the ladder. He winked in response and she mouthed 'love you' down to him and he did the same before rounding the corner, to wait for five minutes.

Betty rushed about. She quickly threw on a pair of light denim jeans and a baby blue t-shirt. She put on her white converse and headed to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, before pulling her messy hair up into a high ponytail, and then went to put on some mascara and lipgloss, Jughead's favourite flavour.
She came downstairs to her breakfast already sitting at the table. She walked over to the chair avoiding all eye contact with her mother, who was sitting facing her, a cup of tea in hand. Alice watched her daughter eat, before she began,

"So, Elizabeth, why so late today?"

Betty looked up at her mother,
"I slept in later. I think I was just really tired last night, couldn't really sleep." she lied.

Alice raised her eyebrows about to talk, before the doorbell rang, thank you so much Jughead!! Betty mentally thanked him, before she grabbed her bag off the table. As her mother turned around to wash her cup, Betty quickly lifted a napkin and stuffed some bacon and sausages from her plate on it, she knew Jughead would be starving.

"Um, I'll get it." Betty said, heading down the hallway to open the door.

Betty opened it to reveal a smiling Jughead, leaning against the door frame. She beamed a huge grin at him.

"Who is it, Betty?" Alice called from the kitchen, making her way into the hall. She stopped behind Betty when she saw Jughead.

"Oh." She paused.

"Uh- Mom, this is Jughead. We both work on the Blue and Gold together." Betty introduced. "Jughead, my mom."

Jughead outstretched his hand to Betty's mother.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cooper" he smiled, as she shook his hand. He turned to Betty and nodded at her,
"Betty, long time no see." They both smirked at each other, recalling the night they spent.

Jughead then spoke up, "Well-um, Betty, thought I could walk you to school? Talk about the paper?" Jughead questioned. Betty knew something was up. "Yeah, course." She nodded.
"Bye, Mom" she waved to her mother before making her way to school with Jughead.

Jughead remained silent the whole walk, which was unusual to Betty. He only responded with one word answers when Betty tried to make conversation. They didn't even hold hands, as they did every time they walked anywhere together, instead, Jughead's hands were stuffed in his jean pockets. It was awkward, and it was never like that between them, no matter the circumstance, but she knew she had to ask him. Betty stopped in the middle of the street, causing Jughead to pause and turn to her with a confused face.

"Something's up, Jug, what is it?" She questioned, folding her arms uncomfortably.

"What, Nothing. I-It's nothing. I'm fine." He answered, looking anywhere but her face.

"Don't you dare lie to me Jughead Jones. We both need to let each other in, remember?" She tilted her head, but he continued staring at his shoes.

"I said I'm fine, Betty." He mumbled, examining the small cracks on the sidewalk he was staring down at.

Betty was hurt that he couldn't confide in her, like she had to him. She was going to get it out of him. She lifted his chin up so she could look at him. "Please. Just let me in. I want to know. Your worries are my worries, okay?" She asked, moving her hands to his shoulders.

He took a deep breath, and hesitated. But he decided he needed to tell her.
He just came right out.

"Betty, are you ashamed of me?" He looked straight at her. He was fighting back tears and trying hard to swallow the lump in his throat.
He could see the shock in her eyes, she obviously wasn't expecting him to say something like this, and he almost regretted it.

"Juggie" she barely managed, placing her hand on his cheek. "No." She croaked. "No, I'm not ashamed of you. I'm proud of you. I'm happy with you. I want you." She was being serious. "Why would you think that?" She asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"It's just... it seemed like you didn't want your mom to know that I was your boyfriend. And I just thought, I don't know, maybe you were ashamed or embarrassed to be with me." He suggested, causing a furious head shake from Betty.

"No, no, no. God, no!" She exclaimed. "Jughead, it's just, my mother, she's so judgmental. And I would never hear the end of it. She doesn't think anyone is good enough for me, and I want us to be happy, you know? Without her grinding me about it. I want to have that freedom. Maybe even just for a little longer." She explained, and he immediately understood. He nodded his head and half-smiled at her.

"No, of course. I totally understand. Whatever you want, babe" he said stroking her hair. Again, their lips touched and they shared their love through the action. Betty didn't need her mother to approve of Jughead. She loved him. She approved of him.

And that was enough.

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