Mommy Issues

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The next day felt better. Betty felt more herself than ever as she woke up, wrapped in Jughead's arms and laid over his chest. She felt comfortable. For a minute, it reminded her of the first time they spent the night together, in her bedroom and almost got caught by her horrific mother. There was always the rush for school...


Betty sat bolt upright. There was no school yesterday, and that was just plain luck, but obviously it was back on today, Tuesday. She checked the time on her phone,


They were so late! Betty immediately hopped out of bed, cursing herself for not setting an alarm. She turned the light on to maybe awaken Jughead but he only stirred and then was silent again. She figured he could use the extra sleep, it didn't take that long for him to get ready anyway.

She quickly went into the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth, thanking herself for the shower she had thoroughly enjoyed the night before. After she fixed her hair into her ponytail and put on her clothes, she returned to the bedroom and did quick, basic makeup.

She felt bad for Jughead, and walked over to him, kissing his lips lightly, before walking out of the room and preparing breakfast. It was only fair, he had looked after her and made her breakfast, so she was returning the favour, it was the least she could do.

About halfway through, Jughead wandered into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"Weren't you gonna get me up for school?" He laughed.

"Thought you could use the extra sleep," Betty smiled as she plated the pancakes, giving Jughead an extra one.
"You don't have any maple syrup, so chocolate spread will have to do?" Betty half stated half questioned as she held the jar out to him.

"My favourite," he grinned as he took the jar from her and slathered the chocolate on thick.

She decided to stick to basic butter and began eating fast. Jughead was finished his in no time and went back to get ready.

As he came back, Betty was just leaving 4 pancakes on a plate for FP for when he got up, and as she set them on the kitchen counter, she turned to Jughead who gave her a long kiss, and then began packing his school bag.

Oh my god, Betty thought.

Jughead obviously read her expression because he raised his eyebrow in question and added,
"What's the matter?"

"My school books," Betty groaned, "they're at home."

Jughead went to talk but Betty cut him off.

"And I'm not going back there, Jug."

He closed his mouth and then Betty thought.

"Oh, I'll just call Veronica, she'll be near my house by now on the way to school. She'll call in and grab my books. We'll meet her at school, come on," Betty said, as she tossed Jughead his keys and rushed out the door.

"We're late!" She called out.


Sure enough when they arrived at school, and barely made it, Veronica was there waiting for them with Betty's schoolbag and some books, the rest in her locker.

Veronica looked at the two with her eyebrows raised as they rushed up to her, out of breath.

She held the schoolbag out to Betty who took it gratefully.

"Thanks so much, V, you're a lifesaver!" Betty thanked her best friend.

"No worries, B, all in the line of duty," she stated, "best friend duty that is."

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