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Betty and Veronica quickly contemplated where to sit as they entered the quite spacious school library. Only Jughead was here and he hadn't yet noticed that they were here, too engrossed in whatever keys he was punching into his device. They decided to sit close to him, as he seemed to be the only other person here, and there was no harm in making a new friend. Veronica and Betty sat next to each other on the table directly in front of Jughead. As they took their seats, Jughead then must've realised there were two girls, deciding over every seat in this library, to sit in the pair in front of him. He felt uncomfortable but couldn't help but smile, internally, of course, Jughead Jones always plastered his neutral façade to his perfectly structured face. He didn't want to be rude to the two in front of him for doing nothing but trying to be nice, but couldn't resist a snarky, sarcastic comment from escaping his parted lips.
"Can't get enough of me?" He smirked a little.
"Oh, cute and cocky. You could be my brother." Veronica replied, impressed by his reaction.
"We're not stalking you, by the way, we just thought you could use some company." Betty smiled at him politely, and he somehow, couldn't even think of any slightly rude or sarcastic comments to say to her, he didn't want to offend her. She was being nothing but nice to him.
"Well, thanks. I guess I could use company. But  Weatherbee will get here any minute n—"
Betty was staring at Jughead with her head rested softly on her right hand as she listened to him, she hadn't even noticed Jughead had been cut off by the entrance of Principal Weatherbee who slammed the pile that was in his hands onto the librarian's desk at the front of the library. Betty jumped, the noise loudly interrupting her thoughts and she quickly spun around, hearing Veronica's giggle and Jughead's soft chuckle from behind her. She was blushing hard and she heard Jughead whisper from behind her, although she didn't know if it was to himself or to her,
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." She could practically see the eye roll he gave along with his sentence without even looking and now it was her turn to laugh. Weatherbee spoke up.
"Now. Again, I'm wasting my Saturday morning at detention with you students who have obviously disobeyed a rule or a command within the school hours" he droned on and on.
"Detention again, Mr. Jones?" He asked. Jughead looked at him blankly. "Yeah, you gave me it" he said, and the two girls had to seriously bite their tongue so as not to laugh at his reply.
"I did, you're right. Now, the rules for detent—"
Principal Weatherbee stopped in his tracks as Archie Andrews rushed through the door, lazily dressed and droplets of sweat trickling down his forehead.
"Sorry, I'm late, I—" He panted.
"Another detention, Mr Andrews? You and Mr Jones could chum it"
Archie hung his head low.
"Late is not an option. Do not be late next time, since I know there more than likely will be a next time. Now go take a seat"
Archie had obviously made the obvious decision of not sitting alone, so he took up the seat beside Jughead without asking, and threw himself into the chair. Jughead looked quite surprised, and shifted towards the window a few more inches. Archie was breathing heavily. Weatherbee started speaking again.
"Anyway, as I was saying, before I got rudely interrupted—" he eyed Archie. "The rules of detention, for those of you who don't already know them by heart" again, he looked to the two young boys at the back row. "No eating, no gum, no talking, no leaving early" he looked at Betty and Veronica, "no arriving late" he looked at the red headed boy, "and no getting on my nerves" he looked straight at Jughead. "Any questions before I completely block you out for the next two hours?"
Veronica raised a tanned arm.
"Yes Veronica?"
"Can I go home now?"
He rolled his eyes.
"Let me rephrase that, any logical questions?" When no one reacted, he nodded his head once.
"Now, just get on with something" he said and then turned to start tackling the pile he had brought with him.

Betty and Veronica immediately turned to face the two boys, Betty at the window seat, facing Jughead and Veronica on the outside seat, facing Archie.
"Silly me didn't introduce myself, I'm Veronica Lodge." she smiled, adorably, at the red head in front of her.
"I'm Archie Andrews" he replied with a friendly  grin.
"Betty Cooper" Betty chimed in, as it was her turn. They all turned to Jughead, and he didn't answer, oblivious that he was included in their conversation. He raised his eyebrow and Betty encouraged him with a nod and a smile.
"Jughead Jones." He said plainly, "welcome to detention. A place I know like the back of my hand" he said with a short sigh.
"Yeah, this place is hell, and there's never anyone here, how'd you all get one anyways?" Archie asked.

"B and I skipped our afternoon classes and headed to the mall, and of course, they actually found out we were missing" she replied and Betty rolled her eyes playfully at the dumb comment her best friend made. Archie let out a friendly laugh.
"What about you?" Veronica asked Archie, not even interested in his answer, she just wanted to talk to him.
"Got in a fight with some dude after football practice" he said, rolling his eyes as he remembered the memory. "Ooh, insanely hot and can throw a punch when he needs to, totally my type of guy" Veronica flirted. Betty felt bad for Jughead as no one was really paying that much attention to him now that Archie was here, and he had seemed quite surprised and happy before, when they had sat close to him.
"What about you, Jughead, how did you get here?" Betty asked, genuinely curious.
"It's not as exciting as Archie's story." He replied, fixing his eyes to his laptop screen but he could still feel Betty's eyes glued on him, so he gave up. "Truth is, Weatherbee just detests me for no reason" he responded, looking up at the three gathered around him. They all turned in sync to look at the man he had mentioned then looked back to the beanie-headed boy. Betty looked curious and scrunched up her face silently asking for an elaboration.
"I mean, I've never done anything wrong to the guy. He just hates me. He puts me in trouble and gives me detentions at every chance he gets. For stupid reasons, that I'm here almost every Saturday for. This time it was for handing in an article 4 minutes late" he stated. A look of shock came on all of their faces.
"What?" They all said in unison.
"That's so dumb" Archie said.
"That's not fair" Betty exclaimed, angry for him.
"I'm kinda bored already, Archie tell me about your football" Veronica said leaning closer onto the table and tapping her plum coloured acrylics off the table in a flirtatious way. While Archie rambled on about his sports life, Betty turned to talk to Jughead, who behind his high guard and dark persona, seemed pretty interesting and down to earth.

"So, you write?" Betty asked, with a curious face, to let him know that she's not pretending and she does want to talk to him.
He hesitated for an instant before replying with a simple nod.

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