Tears and Fears

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Betty woke up with a jolt. She found herself still in her clothes from the night before, hair messy and wet, from the tears she'd been crying. She dared herself to sit up in bed and looked in the mirror across the room. There were long black lines of mascara that had run down her face and her makeup from the night before was still on. She figured she must have cried herself to sleep. She must've cried the whole night until she cried herself to exhaustion. She got up and took a shower. Her house was empty and her mother and father weren't home, they were at work. It was a Sunday, and Betty dreaded the thought of school the next day. She finally managed to get herself out of the shower after what felt like forever. She wrapped a towel around herself and looked at herself in the mirror. She was a mess. Although her makeup had washed off and her hair was no longer sticky and tangled, there were dark circles under her eyes and her nose was still red. Her damp hair hung limply past her shoulders. She brushed her teeth and then returned to her room. She threw on an oversized grey sweatshirt and black leggings. After she dried her hair she pulled it up into a messy bun and threw herself on to her bed. She took out her phone.

(5) Missed Calls from Jug💙
(2) Missed Calls from V💋
(1) Missed Call from Mom
Text Messages:
Jug💙: Good morning, sleep well? 😘
Jug💙: Betts? Are you up?
Jug💙: Answer when you can, Betty. I'm worried about you.
Jug💙: You wanna hang out later? You can come over.
Jug💙: Text or call me when you can, Betty. Did I do something wrong? Are you ignoring me? Love you❤️

V💋: Hey, B. What's up? Jughead told me to call you because you're not answering his calls? He wanted to see if you would answer me. Call back when you can x

Mom: I'm at work. There's no food downstairs. Left money for Pop's. NO Jughead!

Betty was overwhelmed. She groaned and threw her phone down before falling back on her bed. She didn't even bother calling or texting her mom back. She didn't deserve a reply. After everything, she was still holding her grudge. Sometimes she was so childish. She decided she would text V and Jug back though. Especially Jug, he seemed so worried and she thought about what he was doing right now. He was probably sitting, checking his phone every second, worrying about her. She felt bad, he thought he had done something wrong and she was avoiding him.

She texted Veronica back first.

I'm fine, V. Just slept in a little later. I'll call Jug now, thanks x

She decided to call Jughead instead of texting him. He deserved an explanation.

She tapped on his name and waited for the phone to start ringing.

Jughead picked up on the second ring.


God, she missed his voice so much. She almost cried at her mothers voice last night,
"You are not to go near that Jones boy again."

The words spun around her head. But she didn't care what her mother thinks.

"Yeah, it's me, Jug" she said.

"Oh, my God, Betty. I was so worried about you. I- I thought you were avoiding me or something. I'm just really glad you called." The relief in his voice made her melt and she decided he deserved a better explanation than over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Jug. I slept in later. But I need to talk to you. But you deserve more than a phone explanation. Meet me at Pop's in 10?"
She hoped he would forgive her. She was scared incase he thought her family was too crazy and he didn't want to be involved with a family like that.

"Of course, Betty. I'll be there." He sounded relieved.

"Okay. Thank you, Jug. I love you." She breathed.

"I love you too."

And then the line disconnected. Betty left her house and started walking to Pop's. She didn't bother to change or put on any makeup. She just walked, thinking.

She arrived at Pop's and took up a booth near the back while she waited for Jughead. She sat at the table, distressed and completely broken. Betty Cooper never gave up. She was adamant to get what she wanted. And that's why she didn't give up on Jughead, when he shut her out when they just met. She always knew what to do, but right now, she didn't know what to do. She was afraid. She sat thinking when she heard the bell of Pop's ring and a familiar voice come from behind her.

"Betty Cooper."

She turned around and stood up. She smiled as soon as she saw Jughead. She teared up, when she saw the love and the smile that appeared on his face. She knew she looked a mess, but he was still happy to see her. But he couldn't hide the hint of concern in his eyes. She immediately ran to him and kissed him with every thing that was left in her. She pulled away and then fell into him, crying onto his chest. She couldn't keep it in any longer. All of her emotions continued to pour out and he slowly steered her towards the booth and instead of sitting across from her he sat right next to her as she cried into him.
He slowly rubbed her back, comfortingly and whispered words of comfort into her ear.

When she finally calmed down, she looked up at him, with tears still slipping out.

"I'm sorry." It was barely a whisper. And he placed his hand on the side of her neck.

"No. Don't be sorry." He said, shaking his head.

"Jughead, I wasn't avoiding you" she said shaking her head. "I-It was last night." She sighed. "M-my Mom" was all she said. A tear fell down her face and Jughead wiped it away.

"What happened, Betty?" He asked, caressing her cheek.

"She knows. I came home and she knows about us. She- she said you were a bad influence and said I couldn't see you anymore. I shouted back at her. And I told her that I loved you, and that she couldn't take that away from me. I really did try, Jug. I did" she stopped, and let out a breath before her tears fell again. She looked down but he lifted her head up again.
"I'm sorry, Jug. I tried but—"

He stopped her.
"Hey, Hey. You tried. And I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. And I'm grateful that you defended me."

She smiled at him, but all hope that he would usually see in her eyes was lost.
"I don't know what to do, Jug" she said.

"Do what you think is right." He said.

He paused for a moment and then looked at her,
"Betts?" She looked up at him.

"Are you gonna break up with me? Because if you do, I'll understand." He told her.

She shook her head at him.
"No. No way, Jug. Never. No matter what, I would never break up with you." She took his hands in hers and squeezed them.

"But... your mom." He reminded her.

"I can handle her." She told him. He looked at her unsure but she was adamant.

"She's just gonna have to deal with it." Betty smiled at her boyfriend and he smiled at her bravery. He leaned down and kissed her, and she reacted instantly, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her face. They were interrupted by a presence that now stood at their table. And Betty's head shot round, which Jughead followed, at an all too familiar voice.

"Elizabeth Cooper, you are coming home with me right now!"

Good news, exams are finally over and I couldn't be more relieved!! So now, you WILL be getting more frequent updates!
Let me know in the comments what you think is gonna happen next! Sorry if this chapter was a bit short, it was kinda a filler and a build up for the next chapter which I PROMISE is juicy and full of TEA. But really, I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger because they're fun. I swear the next chapter will be longer and better so stay tuned! Thanks for all your support!🙌

~ author ❤️

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