Battles in My Mind

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For the rest of the weekend, Betty was fighting with herself. She missed him, and yet, she only met him. She wanted to call him, but realised she may sound too needy, and the last thing she wanted was to run him away. Jughead was toying on her mind for the rest of her weekend, and, Betty, for the first time, was excited for what Monday held for her. She could finally see him again, although there was always a doubt in her mind that he wouldn't show up. Maybe he really didn't want to write for the paper, I mean, that was his original response. Maybe he just agreed to stop her whining about it. She trusted him though. She felt she should at least text him, just to ask if he was still coming on Monday, but decided against it. The guys always send the first text anyway, right?
Jughead never felt so excited for school in his whole life. Betty Cooper was on his mind 24/7. Every image of her, every snapshot he had mentally taken, he had treasured somewhere in his head, and through the rest of the weekend, he continually looked through them all, admiring them dearly. He thought about calling her. Or even sending her a text message. After all she had told him to call her. He smiled as he replayed the memory in his head.
"See you Monday." She giggled (the cute giggle he adored) "Call me."

He knew she had told him to, but maybe she just said it to end their conversation. He didn't want to sound desperate or drive her away. After all, if she really desperately needed him for something, wouldn't she have called him first?
Betty hopped out of bed on Monday morning, even earlier than usual. The thought of seeing Jughead today made her practically fly out of bed with eager excitement. She wanted to arrive to school early, just incase he was already there, and they could spend more time together. She made her way to the bathroom and quickly washed her face and scrubbed her teeth. She brushed her morning bed head into her neat, precise, everyday ponytail and, fortunately had time to curl the ends with a curling iron, just for an extra touch. She made sure to pick her cutest pink sweater with her shirt to underlay and decided that her dark denim jeans and flat pumps would do the job, she didn't want to try too hard. She made sure to apply a minimal amount of makeup, consisting of concealer over a few of her newly developed stress spots, some mascara and her lipgloss. She bounced down the stairs for breakfast to her mother who was still mid-cooking in the kitchen, whilst still in her pyjamas and dressing gown. Usually, Betty was never awake and ready this early, which surprised Alice, as she was usually dressed and had breakfast waiting at the table for Betty by the time she came downstairs.
"Elizabeth" Alice turned in shock, looking over her shoulder while still frying the bacon. "You're up early."
"Yeah, I know." said the young blonde, leaning over the island. "Just have to get into school earlier this morning. Just a few things to do for the Blue and Gold." She technically didn't lie, there was things she had to do for the Blue and Gold, but she knew if she told her mother the complete truth, she would be completely against the idea and lecture Betty on how she should be independent and that the "newbie" would be competition for her.
Alice nodded, taking some plates from the cupboard and setting them on the island in front of Betty.
Betty threw her half-finished homework into her bag along with a nutritious fruit bar for her break. She decided she'd eat lunch at school today.
Alice pushed Betty's plate towards her, bacon eggs and some toast. Betty immediately tucked in, she wasn't all that hungry, but she wanted to get out the door as soon as she could. Alice sat in front of her daughter, stirring the cup of tea that sat in front of her.
"What do you have to do for the newspaper then, Elizabeth?" Alice questioned her daughter, not fully believing her explanation.
"What?" Betty asked her mouth full of eggs.
"You said you had to be in earlier to do some things for the Blue and Gold?" Alice elaborated, and her daughter's senses came back.
"Right." Betty said wiping her mouth with a napkin. "It's just some cleaning up around the office and finishing an article, Mom. It's not that big of a deal." Betty stated.
She got up from her seat and grabbed her bag to head out.
"You didn't eat much. Are you feeling okay?" Alice asked, concerned.
"I'm fine, Mom. I'm just not that hungry, that's all. I'll have lunch later." Betty called to her from halfway down the hall.
She exited her house and practically ran to school, panting out of breath by the time she arrived. The hallways were quite empty when she got there, and she decided to head straight for the Blue and Gold. She lay her bag down on a chair and started cleaning the place up. She was turned away and tidying up the desk when she heard a knock on the door, followed by the creaking of it opening, which startled her. She smiled, the thought that Jughead had actually came entering her mind. She turned towards the door with a bright smile plastered on her face, and her face fell when she realised it was just her best friend.
"Good to see you too, I guess" Veronica said sarcastically as she proceeded to shut the door while juggling two coffees in her hand.
"Sorry, V, I just thought—" Betty got cut off by Veronica.
"That I was Jughead?" Veronica raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry, B. I knew you'd be here early. That's how I found you here. And I saw him just now round the ground floor." Veronica smirked.
"You did?" Betty's face brightened which caused a laugh to come from her best friend.
"Do you think he'll come?" Betty questioned, as she accepted the hot drink from Veronica's outstretched hand.
"Oh, I know he'll come" the brunette stated.

As if on queue, a knock came from the door, Betty immediately set down her drink and straightened out her clothes, quickly glancing to Veronica for approval in which a chuckle and a nod resulted. Jughead entered, wearing his iconic crown beanie and casual black jeans and "S" shirt. He layered it with a dark denim jacket with a fur collar and his bag was slung around his shoulder.
He paused when he saw the two girls sitting in the office.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is this a bad time?" He asked, backing out the door.
"Actually no." Veronica replied before Betty could. "I was just on my way out." Veronica said smirking at her best friend before grabbing her coffee and handbag and passing the boy at the door who happily entered and closed the door shut.
Betty smiled like an idiot at Jughead who happily returned the favour.
"You actually came." It was a statement. Betty was thinking out loud, and she didn't even realise until she heard a chuckle escape Jughead's lips and her cheeks blushed pink.
"I actually did." Jughead mimicked, causing Betty to laugh too.
"I just thought you wouldn't come." Betty said truthfully.
"Well, I always keep my promises. And you need the help so why not?" He reasoned.
"Well, lets get started then."

Betty quickly showed him the ropes and within an hour Jughead knew where everything was, could work the ancient computer Betty was forced to work with and could basically run the place if needed. The bell rang for their first period and Betty's heart sank. She wished she could stay in the office with him all day. They were having so much fun just joking and having nice, calm conversations with one another, without interruption.
"Hey, I'm gonna head to first period now." Jughead began and Betty nodded, gathering up her belongings.
"So, when do you want me back?" He asked, his hand on the doorknob.
"Oh. Well, you're good for the rest of the day. Although, tomorrow morning again, if that's okay?" Betty asked.
"I'll be here." He smiled, before exiting the room, leaving Betty alone.
The day mostly flew in for Betty. Her classes were boring mostly, but she was thankful for the minimal amount of homework she received, partly because she completed most of it in class whilst not tuning in to the teacher.
It was now lunch and Betty headed for the cafeteria, to meet Veronica, who had saved her a space in the queue. "Hey, B. How'd it go this morning?" Her best friend asked her with excitement.
"Amazing. It was so calm and just not awkward, y'know?" Betty was beaming.
"Aw, I'm so proud of my bestie!" Veronica exclaimed while grabbing a salad to place on her tray. Betty proceeded to grab a sandwich and an apple, along with a bottle of water before they both headed outside to sit, as the sun was out but it wasn't too warm.
They walked outside, the cool breeze hitting them up the face. They were scanning the whole area for a table, until Veronica's eyes landed mischievously on a certain table, that she suddenly started walking towards, Betty behind her.
She approached Jughead's table, he was sitting alone, typing on his laptop, whilst shoving a tortilla chip into his mouth every once in a while.
"May we sit?" Veronica questioned standing in front of him. He looked up at the two girls in front of him, his eyes travelling from Veronica to Betty before he nodded in approval. Veronica took a seat facing him and Betty sat down next to Veronica. Archie was soon sat at the table next to Jughead, as they fist bumped and he greeted the girls.
"Aw, look at the four of us, reunited again." Veronica smiled. Everyone chatted the whole lunch, sharing laughs and it was overall a fun time. They then all excused themselves to make their way to afternoon classes. Veronica kissed Betty goodbye on the cheek as girls do and walked with Archie to wherever they were headed to. Betty and Jughead soon figured out that they had the same class so they walked to class together, laughing and talking.

Betty didn't know if she could ever get over Jughead Jones. Every day was a waste without him. She didn't know if it was love exactly, but she'd never felt this way over anyone before. And if love was hoping, praying, wanting and needing to see a certain person every day and every possible minute she can, she was definitely in love.

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