Fighting with my Feelings

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The four friends were as close as ever. They all got along well and would talk to one if they saw someone in the halls or in class. Although Veronica already knew, even Archie was now starting to realise the love both Jughead and Betty had for each other. They tried to hide it, but anyone could tell how in love they were. So Archie, being Archie, decided to ask Jughead about it.

He caught him in the hallway as he headed to fourth period. "Hey, Jughead." He said placing a hand on his shoulder as he caught up with him. Jughead was startled and turned around then let out a breath when he saw Archie.
"Hey, Arch" he chuckled at how startled he was.
"So, about Betty?" Archie started looking quizzically at Jughead. Jughead raised an eyebrow,
"About her?" He threw back.
Archie sighed. "You're in love with her, Jug" he had to just say it. Jughead looked shocked, but a small blush crept into his cheeks.
"No. No, I'm not." He was shaking his head.
Archie laughed, reviewing his friend's embarrassed face. He was fighting with his feelings.
"Oh, come on. I'm just stating the obvious. You both suck at hiding your feelings for each other." Archie told him.
Jughead fixed his beanie, a habit he does when he's nervous.
"I-I don't have feelings for her, Archie" Jughead found the words hard to say, and he shook his head to himself, as he said it.
Archie knew he was never going to get this boy to admit his feelings, he was so restricted and suppressed his feelings, he shut everyone out. Archie thought of a way he could get Jughead to spill. He grinned mischievously before adding,
"So, if you don't have feelings for her, then you don't mind me asking her out?"
Jughead, who was looking ahead, snapped his head around to Archie. Jughead couldn't bare the thought of Betty with Archie, it hurt him inside and the thought of having to watch it all, the hand holding, the kisses, the lap-sitting. Just the thought of Archie having Betty made him sick.
"What?!" Jughead nearly shouted. Archie bit back a laugh, keeping his poker face.
"I mean, um, don't you like Veronica?" He questioned.
Archie sighed. "Jug, do you mind if I go out with her or not?"
Jughead's thoughts came to his mouth before he could stop them.
"No, Archie don't go out with her please! You can't." He practically begged the red headed boy who just laughed at how in love his friend was.
"So you do have feelings for her? You are in love." Archie smiled with victory.
Jughead let out a long, relieved breath and concluded that he had been defeated and there was no point in denying it anymore.
"Okay yes, I do really like her. But you can't tell her. I don't want to run her away."
Archie placed a firm hand around his best friend's shoulders,
"Oh, Jug. You need to tell her. Trust me, who has had a lot of experience of being in relationships. Telling a girl how you feel about her, will make her happier than if you keep it inside. It'll also make her admit her feelings for you, which she does have by the way. We're guys, Jughead. Our role is to make the girl happy. And most times, whether we like it or not, we have to make the first move. And if we don't, she'll go away, she'll get tired of waiting. Which is why, you're not alone, I'm gonna tell Veronica that I like her too. Today, actually. Just man up, bro. You can do it. She'll be delighted." He said it wholeheartedly.
Jughead stopped and processed what Archie just said. It was probably the smartest thing that had ever came out of his mouth. He was right. Jughead did need to tell her, it would be a huge weight taken from him, the only thing holding him back is the lingering thought of rejection. He turned to Archie and pulled him into a "bro" hug. "Thanks, man. That's it. I'm gonna tell her." Jughead was sincere.
Archie nodded, and started to walk away before Jughead shouted. "Oh and Archie?"
The red head turned around.
"Just to make sure, you really don't have feelings for Betty?" Jughead asked. He couldn't stick the thought of Archie liking the girl he liked. Archie laughed and then added, "Jughead, you're good. I'm more into brunettes."
Jughead laughed and then headed into class.


Jughead was nervous. He couldn't say he was nervous for most things, but for this, he was nervous. He was about to tell Betty Cooper, that he liked her. He was pacing up and down the Blue and Gold office, fixing his beanie every couple of seconds that he was sure it was planted on his head. They had both agreed to meet today after school to work on the paper together, and after Archie's little pep-talk earlier, Jughead had to tell her as soon as he could. It was on his mind in the rest of his classes. He needed to just get it off his chest.
He jumped when he heard the doorknob turn and turned around to see a surprised Betty, who walked towards the table that he was on the other side of.
"You're here before me?" Betty asked setting down her things.
"Uh- Yeah. I, um, my last period was just around the corner." He stuttered, damn it.
"Okayyyy." Betty said, furrowing her brows. She could tell he wasn't himself, he was acting weird around her. She wanted to know why. She almost died at the thought of him finding out that she liked him. What if he knew and now he was acting weird around her because he was uncomfortable and now it was an awkward relationship between them? Betty didn't want that at all. She decided to delete that thought from her head, there was many reasons he could be acting weird. "So care to tell me why you're standing up, pacing the floor, your body is so tense and you, of all people are stuttering over your words?" She questioned him, sitting on the table that he stood in front of.
Jughead took a long deep breath. Betty was joking, but she realised he was about to tell her something that he was so uncomfortable saying and he was really afraid. She straightened herself up and her smile vanished. "Jug." He looked at her, his breathing had become heavy, he took a step towards her so that they were so close, his knees were brushing off her legs that hung from the table she was sitting on.
Betty was heartbroken at how frightened he looked. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable. She reached up and placed her hand on his shaking cheek.
"Jug, you don't need to tell me anything you don't want t—" She was cut off.
"No. No I have to." He said, mostly to himself. Betty was curious and removed her hand from his cheek to lean herself up on the table, silently asking him to continue.
He took another long breath and said,
"Betty, I like you. I... have feelings for you. I like everything you do, even the things you hate. I like your beautiful smile, I like your soft giggles. I like how you're not uncomfortable around me and how understanding you are, I like the way you blush when I talk to you or when you get embarrassed because I heard your amazing singing voice, I like how you like to see the good in everyone, even when they're just broken loners like me, I like how you comfort me, just there now, I like how I feel around you, and I've been trying to fight it but I can't. I know it sounds crazy, but I always want to see you. It's like my mission just to make you smile. I like everything about you, Betty Cooper. And I just want you to know that." He looked relieved.
Betty was shocked. She was over the moon that he liked her back, she was touched at how sweet his words were, and she was amazed at how, Jughead Jones, who had such a high guard and never admitted anything, had just been completely open with her and admitted everything. She just sat there, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. She sat in shock. Jughead then added,
"And you don't have to say it back, I just really needed you to kn—" This time, Betty cut him off.
"I like you too, Jughead. Ever since I met you, I've been falling for you. And you're not crazy, because every day, I'm happy to see you and that hot face of yours." She let out a short chuckle at the word "hot" and so did he. Her head was down, and she finally looked up and met his gaze. He looked happy, she could see it in his eyes. They were both so close and Betty let out a short laugh before saying,
"And, as much as I'd love to name everything I like about you, your face is just there and it's so tempting to just kiss you right now."
He let out a laugh and bent down so he was her height. He was so close to her face.
"Then do it." He whispered right to her.
She grabbed his two cheeks and pulled him towards her. They kissed softly, and their lips fit perfectly together. It lasted longer than expected, but they both needed it, they had been holding it in for so long. Before pulling away they just remained there, foreheads touching and Betty smiled against his lips. As he went to lift his head up and stand up straight, Betty pulled him back down and melted in to him in an embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck into a heartwarming and meaningful hug. He wrapped his arms around her and rested the side of his face on her golden hair. They stayed like that before finally Betty let go and he stood up straight. Betty just looked up at him with heart eyes and a wide smile and he couldn't help but grin back down at her. She chewed her lip nervously and his brows furrowed before asking,
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you not happy? Was it the kiss?" He was on edge and really embarrassed.
"No, no, no, of course not Juggie." She said getting off the table and standing up. "I'm beyond happy. The kiss was perfect." She placed a hand on his cheek and this calmed him a bit.
"So tell me what's bothering you then." He said placing his hands on her waist.
Her hand was still on his cheek and she was lightly stroking his cheek with her thumb.
"It's just... what now? Us? What are we?" She questioned looking up at him, and then looking down to the floor. He put his fingers on her chin and lifted up her chin so she would look at him, his other hand still placed on her hip.
"We can be whatever you want us to be." He whispered to her to calm her. She smiled up at him, and reached so her arms were slung around his neck.
"Well, I'd really like you to be my boyfriend" she suggested and the widest smile appeared on his lips.
"So will you be my girlfriend, then?" He asked looking down at the beautiful blonde who was in his arms.
"Without hesitation." She stated, before leaning on her tiptoes to kiss him. He met her halfway and their lips connected again. A more passionate kiss. A kiss of confirmation, and promise.

A/N    Finally!! I know y'all were probably waiting for me to actually make them date but I didn't want to jump into it too fast. But at least Jughead manned up right?

Anyways, I really wanna know what you guys think of this story. So please, don't hesitate to give me some feedback in the comments! I really need to know if people like it and if I should continue! Just need another person's opinion! And ideas for further plots etc or just whatever you would want to happen in this story and I'll probably add them in somewhere!

Thanks again for reading!

~ author❤️

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