A Shadow of a Doubt

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It has been playing on Betty's mind all week. All week. It was Tuesday when she told Jughead she loved him, after the Reggie Mantle incident. And he had said it back to her. It definitely wasn't how she expected it to go, but it's what happened and it was in the moment? She did mean it, with every inch of her, she meant it from the bottom of her heart, but the one question that had her up at night was... did he?
She knew if he said it, he would mean it. Jughead wasn't a liar, and he certainly only said something he truly feels. Betty knew that it shouldn't be bothering her, she shouldn't be worrying about him saying it, he was her boyfriend and she knew him, she knew he wasn't the type to say something he didn't mean, but it was something about the way he said it, and the aftermath that had her head spinning. Of course, he had said it back to her, but she couldn't help but think that he only said it because she did, and he didn't want to upset or embarrass her. And he wouldn't have, because Betty would wait until he was ready.
He did look quite surprised when she said it, but his expression after was something she'd never seen on him before, she had seen him happy, she had seen him in love, proud, sad, moody, protective, relaxed, she'd seen it all. But this, it really played with her. She had learned every expression Jughead ever wore, but this she was unfamiliar with. It was a look of hesitation but content. Maybe he wasn't so sure about saying it back to her, she didn't know, and she was distracted right until Sunday night, as she sat at her vanity taking in her appearance. She slowly began to wonder, as she studied every feature, what was it that Jughead saw in her?

"So, explain again why you're so doubtful about this whole thing?" Kevin, was lying flat on his stomach over Betty's bed, using his elbows to lean himself up.

Although Veronica was Betty's all-time BFF, So was Kevin. Kevin was that GBF that everyone loved, especially Betty. If Betty was ever worried or insecure or anything in general was on her mind, she'd always call Kevin to come over. It wasn't that she didn't want Veronica to, it's just that she knows exactly what she'd say,

"Oh, B, you worry too much. Just leave it alone. You're overthinking."

Sometimes she wondered if Veronica thought she was crazy. But with Kevin, he listened to Betty and understood her. He didn't think she was crazy and instead of telling her that she "worries too much" he gave her advice and helped her realise what she needed to do.

Betty sighed before turning around on her stool to face the boy in front of her.
"It just didn't seem genuine, I don't know, Kev. It's just, I thought it was the right time, to me, it felt right. But whenever I said it, he looked... hesitant, like he had to think about it.." she trailed off, rethinking the memory.

"But he did look contented, you mentioned, and he did say it back?" He questioned, earning a nod from Betty.

"So what are you worried about, B? Your boyfriend loves you, and that's great. It's not like I haven't seen Jughead around you before, he's totally head over heels in love with you, you both are."

"I know that. I know how he feels about me. He said it himself. I don't know, Kevin. Maybe it was just that hint of thinking that he had to do. That I can't help feeling he had to ask himself if he loved me, or he just said it so I wouldn't be upset with him. And since then, I haven't heard much from him, he's normally never off the phone. I've only got 3 texts this weekend, not one of them with the usual kiss face, just the boring two x's AND he never said he loves me at the end, even though we both said it." Betty was paranoid and Kevin could see that, but he also understood where Betty's mind was at.

"Well, Betty, don't you ever think that maybe that moment of "hesitation" per say, was just him taking in what you had to say, I mean, it's a lot for someone to say that they love you, love is a strong word, I don't think he was expecting it. I think you're thinking of the worst, which is so not the case. Look, coming from outside your circle, he has fallen hard for you. And you just can't expect him to take everything with a smile, Betty. And at least he still remembered to text you, B. It might be a coincidence that there's something going on he has to deal with, he had the decency to text you. I mean, think if it was you, and you had to deal with things, and Jughead thought it was because he said he loved you. You should talk to him. Let him know how you're feeling, so he can tell you what it's really about, and you can stop worrying so much that you have the best relationship with the most loving and amazing sweet guy. Seriously, though, B, you're lucky. And you deserve someone like him." Betty came to a realisation at Kevin's words. It was all true and she was grateful that Kevin had once again, brought her to reality and stopped her mind from making up even worse possibilities.

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