Mourning Murderer

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Betty suddenly couldn't hear anything. Everything was white noise. She felt dizzy and she could see the nurse she was talking to trying to steady her and kept asking her something.

Betty's heart basically stopped. It wasn't a panic attack this time, it was something else. Something worse. It was like she died. Her memories with Jughead just flashed before her eyes for 5 seconds and then she was whisked back into reality, into the hospital waiting room, with a nurse calling her name and shaking her slightly, Alice now beside her also.

"Miss Cooper? Are you alright?" The nurse asked her.

Betty shook her head.
"No. Jughead can't die. He can't. No. He's gonna make it. He has to he has to..."

Betty trailed off as she broke down and cried, lowering to the ground and bursting into tears. She sobbed and rocked back and forward, being held by her mother, then Veronica and Archie. She didn't know how long she'd cried for but she finally stopped. Crying wasn't going to get her anywhere. She needed to see him.

Jughead was out of surgery and in a room, so Betty approached a passing doctor.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know if I can see Jughead Jones?"

The doctor looked down at a clipboard and then began talking to Betty,
"Uh... yes. He's in room 16 down the hall. He's still unconscious and currently on oxygen but you can go in and sit if you'd like."

Betty nodded a thanks and ran to Room 16, pulling open the door and then slowly making her way towards the bed. Jughead. Her loving, harmless Jughead. What did he do to deserve any of this? This pain. This agony. This risk.
It was her. She did it to him.

Betty looked at his pale body. He had been washed of all the blood and the gaping slices and wounds on his face had been cleaned and dressed. He was paler than ever, with no colour whatsoever to his face and his inky black hair still splayed messily over the pillow. He was wearing a hospital gown, wrapped in a thin sheet, and Betty could just make out his arm cast underneath that was slightly showing. There were tubes coming from every part of him, and a large oxygen mask over his nose and mouth, connected to a machine. His hand was wired to a drip and all she could hear was beeps of machines all around.

She'd never seen Jughead like this. So vulnerable. So broken. She stood at the side of his bed, single tears falling from her eyes. She lifted his hand that wasn't broken, and placed her own inside it. She desperately wanted to hug him and kiss him and lay with him, but she couldn't. He needed to recover, if he did, and she needed to give him time for that. But she would be by his side all the way. Like he always was with her. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. She tried talking to him. Maybe he could hear, maybe he couldn't, but she knew Jughead would want to know everything, so she was gonna tell him. She held his hand still and began talking.

"Hey Jug," she sniffed, she had to be strong for him, he wouldn't want to hear her cry, in fact, if he was awake, he would be wiping away her tears and telling her to stop being a baby. So she wiped her tears, as he would do, and continued to talk.

"I don't know if you can hear me right now, but I really need you. I miss you so much, Jug, and you don't understand how much I really wish you were with me right now. To be able to calm me and hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Because I know that's what you would say. So I'm here to say it to you, Juggie. Everything is going to be okay. You have to wake up, for everyone. Especially Jellybean. You can't go now, I won't be able to let you go. You're my everything Jughead Jones. And I'll make sure Chic gets what he deserves for doing this to you. You didn't deserve any of it, Jughead. And I know it's my fault. And I'm so sorry. I never ever wanted to hurt you. I never wanted any of this to affect you, but now here we are. It should be me in that hospital bed, and you doing what I'm doing right now, willing me to stay awake. I was talking to the nurses and doctors. They don't think you'll make it but... I do. Because I believe in you, Jug. I believe that you are so much stronger than all of this. You will fight through, I know you will. Just like you believe in me, I trust you to do this Juggie. I'm going to be right here, every step of the way. I love you so much, Jughead. And if you are hearing me now, I hope you heard that the loudest."

Betty stood back and then remembered. She reached into her pocket and retrieved his beanie. She put it to her nose and inhaled. It smelt like him and she loved it. She thought maybe this piece of him would help him remember. Feel more at home. She turned to him again.

"I found this when I was escaping with you. I thought you might want it back. It's yours after all," Betty said as she smiled, placing it on his head.
"How could Jughead Jones ever go anywhere without his beanie, right?" She laughed, "you never take it off. It's your safety blanket. It's apart of you, so maybe this will make you feel safe. More like you. More comfortable. You only ever took it off in front of me. I felt so special that you felt comfortable to do that around me. That I was that girl. I am a lucky girl, Jug. To have someone like you. That I can call mine. I'm gonna fix this, Juggie. It's my problem to fix now. I got you out of there. Chic did this, and he will pay for it. I'll make sure of it. I'm not cowering out like last time. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you. So for now, have a good sleep, my baby."

Betty kissed his forehead once again and then walked out of the room, back into the waiting room, where FP was waiting. He sent a smile her way and gave her a hug, then went to see Jughead. As Betty walked towards the seats, and Alice was walking towards her, a herd of policemen burst into the hospital, and started to make their way towards Betty. Betty was confused and so was Alice as they all approached her and put her hands behind her back, handcuffing her. Sheriff Keller was locking in her cuffs.

"What— What are you doing, Sheriff Keller?" Betty blurted, astounded and oblivious.

"Betty Cooper, you have the right to remain silent. You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Jughead Jones."



Thanks for the support!!

Other book?? When should I post??? Lemme knowwwww

Until next time. Next chapter soon.

Love y'allllll❤️

~ author ❤️

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