4-New Freinds?

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Chanyeol's POV

My feelings for Suzy keeps growing everytime I see her and I feel like my heart will burst.

I'm sad because I want her to be in all my subjects but I only have her on some subjects :(

The bell rang.


It's lunch time!

I get to see her again!

I rushed to the cafeteria.

I saw her with Baekhyun.

"Bacon, Suzy"I called them.

They turned their heads towards me.

"Big ears!"Baekhyun shouted.

Suzy's POV

These two.

They're so loud.

They're not the only people in the world.

People stared at us.

Chanyeol walked towards us.

"Annyeong Suzy!"he greeted me.

"Annyeong Chanyeol"I greeted.

We're friends.

Us three.

Actually, four because of Luhan.

Speaking of Luhan, he walk towards us with other boys.

Good thing girls didn't saw them because if they did the cafeteria will be full of screams.

"Who are this guys?" Baekhyun and I asked.

"This is my group.Luhan introduce them"Chanyeol said.

"This is Suho, Sehun, Chen, D.O., Kai, Xiumin, Kris, Lay, and Tao"Luhan said pointing at each person.

"Annyeong.I'm Kai,nice to meet you....."

"Suzy"I said.

"Nice to meet you Suzy!" Kai finished.

"Kai, stop flirting" Suho said.

I know them because I searched about them and studied their faces.It was kind of hard.

"Annyeong"they all said.

"Annnyeong.I'm Suzy and this is my best friend Baekhyun.I hope we will be friends"I said and bowed.

I had a feeling we will all get along with each other.

"Annyeong, I'm Suzy's BACON!"he said then bowed.

I smacked his head.

"Oww!Yahhh stop hitting me"he said and he hid behind Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol! Big ears!Big foot!Giraffe!HELP ME!"he said.

I have a feeling that we will get along with each other.

I wish/hope so.

I smiled.


I'm sorry for updating a not-good-chapter.

Well, all the chapters are not good.

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