15-At the Park

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Suzy's POV

I've been ignoring Luhan for two days because now he knows that I like him and I feel shy around him.

But it's hard because we always see each other and we are in the same class and we always eat together.

The bell rang.

Yay!Finally time to go home.

When everyone was going out of their class rooms, someone grabbed my hand and hugged me.

It's Luhan!

I can't get out of the hug, I never knew he was this strong because when you look at him he's thin and looks like a girl and not that manly.

The girls are glaring me with those death glares like they will kill me.

"Could you please stop ignoring me?" Luhan asked still hugging me.

"Let go" I said.

"Not until you say you'll stop ignoring me" he said.

"Yah, let go your crazy fans will kill me" I said.

"I don't care because they can never touch you because I'll always save you.I'm your lifesaver remember? "

"Whatever..I'll stop ignoring you now so let go"

"I don't want to let go...ok,I'm just kidding" he said as he broke the hug.

*At My House With EXO, IU, and Eun Ji*

Most of the time,my mom is busy because of my father's business.

"Guys let's go to the park" Baekhyun said.

"That's a good idea and I should bring my girlfriend...Chen you should bring your gf too" Kai said.

"Chen?You have a girlfriend??Who else have gf here" I asked surprised.

Suho, Chen,Kai, Xiumim,and Kris raised their hands.

"I'm not bringing my baby" Xiumin said.

Awww...Xiumin, I think he's sweet to his girlfriend. He even calls her 'baby'

"Me too" Chen said.

"Me three" Suho said.

"Me four" Kris said.

"Then I'm not bringing my babe" Kai said.

"I'll just dress up" I said.

"Do we have our clothes on the van?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah so let's change" Suho said.

I went to my room and picked clothes.

I wore this pink shirt and put a pink skirt that reaches my knees.

"Let's go" I said to them as I went down the stairs.

"You look pretty...let's go" Luhan said.

Some were riding with me and some are on the other van.

When we get to the park there were a few people.

What if they recognize EXO?

"Guys I think we have to hide our faces so people won't recognize us"

So we did.

"Let's rent bikes" Luhan said.

Oh! No!

"I don't know how to ride it" I said.

"Just ride it with me" he said.

"Umm...okay" I said.

"IU you don't know how to ride it too,right?" I asked IU.


I don't know how to ride a bike too.Aish!

"IU you don't know how to ride it too,right?" Suzy asked me.


"She will ride with me" D.O said as he looked at me.

OMG!Yes! I blushed.

"Okay" I said.

I think we're starting to be close these days.

Everyone hopped on their bikes.

I don't know if I would held D.O's waist.

I held his waist lightly but then he took my hands and wrapped it around him and it looks like I'm hugging him.

My cheeks heatened up.

"You should hold tight because you might fall" D.O said.

Suzy's POV

"D.O and IU looks sweet and cute together" I said.

"Yahh hold tight"

"I know...I will"

Luhan starts to ride the bike and then the bike started to go on a zigzag and then we fall on the ground.

I fell on top of Luhan like what happened last time.

Our face are too close.

"Are you two okay?!" some of the members screamed as they approached us and I got off of Luhan.

"Are you okay Suzy?" Luhan asked me.

"Yeah" I said.

The others continued what they were doing except for me and Luhan,

We are just sitting next to each other quietly.

"I'm sorry" Luhan said.

"It's okay, it was just an accident"

"You were so heavy"

"Yahh.Not even"

We laughed.

"You were so funny earlier.I'm gonna start teasing you from now on" I said as I remembered earlier and started laughing.

"Yahh.Stop laughing at me or else..." Luhan said and then he kissed me on the cheeks.


I stopped laughing.

"I told you to stop" he said as he smiled.


Here is Suzy's dress.

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