24-Sehun as Luhan

786 21 4

Suzy's POV

"Guys, how do we make Luhan remember something?"Chayeol asked.

.After a Minute.

"Coffee"I said as I remembered the first time Luhan and I met.

"Eh?"Sehun asked.

"That's one thing!I remember you two first met because of coffee"Baekhyun said.

"I accidentally spilled hot coffee on Luhan before"I said.

"Umm...I'm not going to be the one acting as Luhan"Sehun said.

"Why?"I asked.

"You just said you accidentally spilled a hot coffee on Luhan, I don't want coffee to get spilled on me.I don't want to get hurt"Sehun said.

"I think you will fit in acting as Luhan"Chanyeol said.

"Why?Because I'm cute too like Lulu?"Sehun said.

"Ani, because you deserve to get hurt because you've been mean to Suzy and Luhan and you always interrup them.Last time you interrupted while Lu and Suzy were about to kiss"Baekhyun explained.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed and then high fived each other.

"You said a lot of things, you could just say that I fit in acting as Lu because I'm cute like him"Sehun said as he stuck his tongue out.

"Let's just go!"I said.

We turned around and saw Luhan and Taeyeon having fun and laughing.

My confidence and smile faded.

That smile, that laugh..I've seen those.

I saw that reaction when Luhan still remembers everything.When he and me are still together.I saw that happy face before the accident happned.

The members all looked at me and then to Lu and Taeyeon and then to me again.

"Wae?"I asked.

"Are you okay?"Chanyeol asked.

"..Uh, yeah.."I lied.

Sehun stood on the opposite direction of where I'm standing.

Sehun and I walked closer to each other.

I spilled coffee on him.

"Aaaahhhh"Sehun screamed as he felt the hot coffee.

"Sorry.I'm so sorry!"I said to Sehun.

"Watch where you're going next time!"Sehun acted.

"De!"I replied.

I handed Sehun a handkerchief.

He took it and wiped his clothes and gave it back to me.

We started to walk away when...

"Aaahh! Uggghhh!"Luhan screamed in pain.

Luhan's POV

I watch Sehun and Suzy.

They walked towards each other and Suzy accidentally spilled coffee on Sehun.

She gave Sehun a handkerchief and he took it and wiped his clothes and he gave it back to her.


Did that happen before?..to me?..

"Aaahh! Uggghhh!"I screamed in pain.

Suzy's POV

We all turned at Luhan.

We watched him in ache.

"Jag--Luhan!!"I screamed as I almost called him jagi.

"Gwaenchana?"Taeyeon asked.

"What happened?Did you remember something?"I asked.

"I remembered this girl,she spilled coffee on me"he said.

I smiled.

"That girl was--"

He ran.

Taeyeon followed.


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