16-The Kiss

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Suzy's POV

"Yahh.Stop laughing at me or else..." Luhan said and then he kissed me on the cheeks.


I stopped laughing.

"I told you to stop" he said as he smiled.

"W-well if y-you told me you would kiss me on the cheeks I would've stopped laughing"

"Yahh, the two of you...you are not the only people here.People can see you two"  Baekhyun said.

We put the bikes back and sat in a circle.

"Guys, don't you think that D.O's starting to be real close with IU?" I asked.

"I know right" Chanyeol said.

"I agree" Suho said.

"Why is it wrong?" D.O asked.

"Uh...no" I replied.

"How about you Eun Ji who do you like from us?" Tao asked.

"No one"Eun Ji said.

"Oh...wae?" Tao asked.

"Because I already have a boyfriend" Eun Ji answered.

"Oh...o-okay" Tao said sadly.

"Ahhhh, poor Tao...the girl you like doesn't like you" Sehun said in a teasing tone.

"Yahhh...you evil maknae" Tao said

"You like me?" Eun Ji asked.

"Uhhh....n-ne I do" Tao said shyly.

"Oh" Eun Ji said.

"Tell your boyfriend that I said if he hurt you or make you cry he's dead on me"Tao said,


"Yahh, isn't that EXO? and Eun Ji with other two unknown persons?" we heard someone talking to her friend.

[I forgot to tell you that Eun Ji is famous in this story]

"Guys let's run on the count of three 1..2.." Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun started to run.

Luhan grabbed my hand and ran with me while D.O grabbed IU's wrist and ran with her.Tao ran with Eun Ji. The rest ran on their own.

The fans starts to chase us.

"Baekhyun!! We're just on the count of 2" Chanyeol said while running.

"I'm sorry Channie!!" Baekhyun screamed running as fast as he can.


When we got away from the fans D.O was still holding my hand.

I looked at our hands.

D.O noticed that I'm looking at our hands and then he removed his hand from mine.

"I'm sorry for holding your hand"

"It's okay but why did you take me with you? "

"I don't know"


Suzy's POV

Someone is still chasing us.

Luhan dragged me to this narrow hallway and covered my mouth.

The fan passed us.

Luhan took his hand off my mouth.

We breathed, we're tired from running.

Our face is too close because of this narrow hallway.

"Saranghae Suzy" Luhan said after a minute of silence.

Luhan leaned his face near mine and kissed me on the lips.

I was shocked.

"You should have closed your eyes"

"Well I was surprised"

"Could I ask you a question"

"What is it?"

"Umm...will you be my girlfriend? "


What?!He asked me to be his girlfriend?!?!I don't know what to say...Yes or no?


Why am I like this? Why am I stummwring? My heart is beating so fast.I think I want to say yes but I can't say it! Wait,what about my best friend-Baekhyun?


That's it for now...

Sorry if there's mistakes

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