26-Memory of Park

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Luhan's POV

"Was it you?" I asked Taeyeon.


"Luhan!" Suzy yelled.

"Taeyeon, could I talk to Luhan..alone?" Suzy asked Taeyeon.

"Okay" Taeyeon smiled and walked away.

I started to walk away to follow Taeyeon but then Suzy grabbed my wrist.

"Wait" she said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I...I'm the girl.The girl you remembered. I accidentally spilled coffee on you and this girl and me offered you a handkerchief and then-- " she said and I cut her off.

"How did you know about the handkerchief?" I asked.

"Cause I was the girl" I said.

"I don't know.I can't see the face..." I said as I remembered the blurred face of the girl.

"Bike...park...uggghhh....my head...ahhhh" I said as I saw people riding bikes which reminded me of a group,me,and 3 other girls.

"Luhan are you okay?!" Suzy asked as soon as my headache went off.

"I remembered something about park, bikes, a group of boys me and 3 other--" I said and got cut off.

"3 other girls??" she finished for me.

"Yeah" I said.

"You're remembering things.Your memories are starting to come back.Let me tell you another memory!" she said.

"Umm....do you remember when you were in a narrow hall and there was this girl that you were with? You remember? Or this...you were watching the meteors with this person and-- " she said and I don't even know what she's talking about.

"Stop it!!" I yelled.

"Lu-luhan..." she said her voice cracking and obvious that she got scared when I suddenly yelled.

"I decided to forget my past and live my present life.I don't want to remember my past anymore" I said.

"But--" she said.

"NO!" I said.

I ran off.

Suzy's POV

"Luhan!" I yelled and tried to run after him.

Chanyeol grabbed my hand.

"Suzy, leave him.Give him time.If you two are meant to be you will get back together again.." Chanyeol said.

"But--" I told Chanyeol.

"Ssshhh..." Chanyeol and Baekhyun said.

"Ya!Suzy,don't crying you look ugly when you cry" Sehun said.

"Sehun! Stop being rude again" Baekhyun said,

"Geesh, just kidding.Take a joke guys..I'm sorry Suzy.To be honest your really pretty" Sehun said.

"Sehun...don't tell me you like Suzy now.Just because Luhan's not here, you can start liking her" Chanyeol asked.

"You're just jealous Chanyeol" Sehun said.

"I am not!I already like someone" Chanyeol said.

"Ooooh.Will we have another couple in the group?Is it the girl named Nana? " Baekhyun asked in a teasing way.

"Yess...." Chanyeol said.

"Well,she's pretty and tall,like you, and you guys look good together" D.O said.

.At Home.

Suzy's POV

"Mom I'm home!"

"Hi, honey--"

I kissed her on the cheeks.

"I'll go up to my room"

"What's wrong with her?" I heard my mom said as I was walking up the stairs.

"I just remembered that if his memories come back, Luhan will remember the pain I gave him about the misunderstanding between me and Kim Soo Hyun...I'm tired" I said after I shut my door.


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I think this story will end after a few chapters.

Well, I don't know yet.

Should I make it longer?

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