17-Yes Or No?

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Suzy's POV

"Umm...will you be my girlfriend? "


What?!He asked me to be his girlfriend?!?!I don't know what to say...Yes or no?


Why am I like this? Why am I stummwring? My heart is beating so fast.I think I want to say yes but I can't say it! But,what about Baekhyun?

I don't want to hurt him.

"Yes!" I said.

"Yay!" Luhan screamed happily.

Luhan leaned his face again near mine and kissed me on the lips.

After a few seconds we pulled out from the kiss.

"Suzy, Saranghae" he said.

"Me too,Saranghae" I said.

"Let's go, I'll drop you off to your house" he said as we entwined hands.

"Okay" I said.

"Goodnight Suzy" he said as we got home.

"Goodnight Luhan" I replied.

"Umm...call me Luhannie or Oppa, okay?" Luhan said

"Uh...okay...'oppa' "

Luhan smiled and then hugged me.

I hugged him back.

Luhan kissed me on the forehead.

"Annyeong" I said and waved.

"Okay bye" he said as he waved.

I opened the door.

"Suzy I saw that, what does Luhan mean?"

"Uh...umm...eomma Luhan asked me to be his girlfriend and I said...yes"

Mom had this face and it's not a happy face but then she smiled.

"Ahhhh!!Honey, I'm happy for you and Luhan"

"Aww, thanks mom"

"Does Baekhyun knows?"

"Not yet, I'll tell him tomorrow"

"Oh,okay don't surprise him...I mean don't just tell him straight to the point he might be shocked and hurt "

"Ne, umma"

When I went to my bedroom, I throw myself on my bed and remembered the events that happened today.

I smiled to my self.

I might not know Luhan that much than Baekhyun but I know now that I love Luhan more than Baek.

It's clear now for me.

I love you Luhannie!


That's it for now.This is a short chapter.Mianhae.

By the way thank you for 125 reads.Wahhh! I'm so happy.All I want is 100 reads but I reached 135.Thanks a lot guys.

Hope you like this story so far.

I might also make another story about D.O, I'll do an author's note after this so check it if you want to know about the other story.

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