10-A Day With Baek

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Suzy's POV

*After School*

"Suzy" Baekhyun called.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Could you go with me on a date?My mom gave me two tickets because no one wants it and I decided to go with you"


"Don't worry Suzy it's just a friendly date and this is me courting you.Someday I'll ask for your answer"

"Okay a friendly date.When?Where?"

"Tomorrow because it's Saturday and at the museum.I'll pick you up at 11:00"

I forgot it's Saturday tomorrow.


It was already dark when i got home.Like about 8:00

When I got home, I looked for clothes to wear for tomorrow but couldn't find a good one.

I decided that I will go to the mall early in the morning.


I went to the mall and into the clothes stores.

After an hour of picking clothes, I went home.

It's already 10:30.

I fixed my hair and combed it and put perfume on.

I picked a brown bag and put it on my shoulder and headed downstairs.

"Mom,I'm going somewhere with Baek.Just tell dad for me okay?"

My dad's still sleeping.

"A date?"

"A friendly date and he said this is his way of courting me"

"I approve to him and to that guy...Luhan is it? Yeah it's him.I approve to Luhan and Baekhyun and Chanyeol"

She still remembers Luhan and Chanyeol?

All of the EXO members have went to my house.

I heard a motorcycle.

Baekhyun's here.

"Baekhyun's here, Mom"I said.

I ran to my dad's room and hugged him a goodbye hug.

"Do you have your keys? Your dad and I will be going somewhere with my friend and we might come home late so make sure you have your keys"

"I have it"

I hugged my mom tight.

I feel like I don't want to go now.

I went out and saw Baekhyun on a motorcycle. 

"I never knew you know how to drive a motorcycle"I said to Baek.

"Hop on" Baek said as he put helmet on my head.


"Yahhh.Do you want to fall? Hold on tight"

I'm shy.

"Yahhh.I told you to hold on tight"


I hold on to his waist.

When we got there Baekhyun asked "Is that a new dress?"


"Because it still has a price tag on it"

I took it off, feeling embarrassed.

There's this statue of a person pointing down and I told Baekhyun to tie his shoe lace and it looks like the statue is pointing down at his butt.


I took a picture of it.

Baekhyun saw what I did.

"Yahhh.Delete that"




"Okay fine!You don't have to delete it anymore" he said pouting.

We rode this boat that is on a fake water.

It looks so real.

[A/N:Their date is like the date from the korean drama:Heartstrings]

After a couple of hours, we got home.

I really had fun.

"Goodnight, Suzy" Baek said as he kissed my forehead.


I blushed.What did he just do?!?!

"Oh o-okay.G-goodnight B-baek.T-thank you, I r-really had f-fun"

He suddenly hugged me.

Luhan's POV

I'm with EXO right now and we were about to walk to Suzy's house when we saw Baekhyun kissed Suzy and hugged her.

I clenched my fist.

I'm mad right now and jealous.

I hate feeling this.

I can't help it anymore.

I have to confess even if Suzy doesn't like me.


Do you think Suzy likes Luhan?

Team Baekhyun or Team Luhan?


Here is a pic of Baekhyun

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