27-At the Beach

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Luhan's POV

"We're here!White sand, I've missed you! It's been a long time!" Sehun said.

Sehun plucked himself on the white sand and fell on his back, hard...

"Owww!I don't like you no more, sand." Sehun said.

"Sehun, that's not a bed!What would you expect will happen to you? Bounce up and down? Huh?" Chanyeol asked sehun.

Yes, we are at the beach.Because Sehun suggested to go here because he said he missed the white sand, the blue ocean, and the foreign girls that he always see.

"Guys, I'll go up to my room first" Suzy said.

"Wait!I'll come with you and let me carry your bag" Chanyeol said.

"Uh okay.Thanks Chanyeol" Suzy said.

Suzy smiled at Chanyeol.

I got this feeling of....jealousy(?) but don't know why.I don't even like her. I got this feeling that I don't like it when she smiles at other guys....Aish...


Suzy's POV

"Where's Luhan amd Taeyeon?" Baekhyun asked.

"They took a walk" Chen said.

"Guys, could we play something?" Baekhyun asked.

"I know a game.You have to continue the sentence that a person starts.One line at a time" I said.

"Sounds fun.I start" Baekhyun said.

"There was a sea cucumber,a sea anemone and a mackerel a long time ago that lives in the ocean" Baekhyun said.

"A mermaid also lived there" I said.

"The mermaid sings well" Baekhyun continued.

"The mermaid loves a prince because the prince was cute,sexy,and also sing very well" Luhan said as he and Taeyeon sat down.

"Although prince and mermaid loved each other,the prince couldn't remember the mermaid because of an accident" I said as I turn my gaze towards Luhan.

"There was a prince from the neighboring country who loved the mermaid who liked another guy" Baekhyun said as he looked at me.

"That mermaid was crazy for a man,and threw away her family,rudely.She couldn't even stab the prince with the dagger that her sister got for her after giving up her hair" Luhan said.

"Ya!One line at a time!" I said.

"Taeyeon,you should play too" Luhan told Taeyeon.

"In the end,the prince couldn't remember the mermaid,and married the princess of the other land" Taeyeon said as she looked at Luhan and turned to me and then to Baekhyun.

"So mermaid,decided to become bubbles and disappear" I said as I looked at Luhan.

"What kind of ending is that?It feels weird.The ending wasn't like this,I saw the ending of the movie" Luhan said.

The members, which were listening all the time, flicked Luhan.

"You couldn't continue the story,you lost" Baekhyun said.

"The other prince,never allowed the mermaid to become bubbles.The END." Baekhyun said as he looked at me and finished the story.

THE END! End of the Chapter!


I was going to update the next day after the last update but then I was busy of studies.Also busy watching dramas and the new EXO 90:2014.

(The day when that I published chapter 26)After like an hour after I published the ch 26, I saw that the reads went up from 2.2k - 2.6k.DAEBAK! Now, it's 8.2k

Btw, R.I.P. RISE AND EUNB.It was a very shocking story.The vehicle that they were riding crashed.EunB passed away.Then Rise was in a comma not knowing that EunB was already dead.Just then when she had her surgery(?) she didn't survive and passed away.The other members were crying a lot during EunB's funeral.Now, they're planning for Rise's funeral.I think that they were too young for their age to die.Well,it's really sad.I don't know Ladies Code but as a k pop fan I still cared and cried.I hope the other members will be alright soon.TAKE CARE EVERYONE! R.I.P RISE AND EUNB.GET WELL SOON ASHLEY SOJUNG AND ZUNY.

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