19-The Punishment

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A/N Thank you for 214 reads! I never expected to have this much reads! I'm so happy! Waah! I love you guys for reading my story and hope you'll read my other stories.Thank! :) ;)

Suzy's POV

Class dismiss.

Students screamed.

What on earth is happening?!

"Suzy!" Luhan called my name as he went in the classroom and held my hand.

"Oh, w-why are you here?" I asked.

"Luhan oppa what does this mean?!" a girl asked.

"Uh, guys . This is my girlfriend, Suzy" Luhan said.

"WHAT?!" the girls screamed.

"She's a flirt.First she's hanging out with EXO and now she's Luhan's girlfriend?!" someone said.

"I hate her!" a fan of Luhan said.

"Yah, don't mind them Suzy" Luhan told me.

"Don't mind who? What do you mean?" I said as I pretend that I didn't hear the harsh comments.

"By the way, don't call me Luhannie anymore" Luhan said.

"Ah, wae?Are you brakin up with me? Why? What's the reason? Did I do something wrong?Tell me" I said.

"Don't worry you didn't do anything wrong.Call me 'babe', okay?" he said,

"Uh...it feels kinda weird for me to say it but okay um...babe" I replied.

"From now on, I'll call you 'babe' too or 'baby' " he said.

I really feel weird when I say 'babe'.But I'll try to get used to it for Luhannie.For my lifesaver.For my boyfriend.For my babe.

"Should we go on a date before I walk you home?" Luhan asked.

"Let's go, I'm hungry anyways" I said.

Luhan paid for the two of us even thought I told him that I'm paying.

When we were done eating we started to walk home.

"Uh, miss miss" someone said and tapped my shoulder.

Luhan and I turned around

"Miss,you dropped your wallet" the boy said.

I looked at it and realized it is my wallet.

"Kamsahabnida" I said as I took it and bowed then smiled at him.

He smiled back.

He looked handsome.

"Don't smile at other guys, okay babe?"


"It makes me jealous"

"Wow, I just smiled at him but your already jealous"

I pinched his nose.

"Owww! What was that for?" he asked.

"You just look cute when you're jealous" I answered.

"Should I always be jealous so you could call me cute?"

"You don't have to cause your always cute.My Luhan is really cute"

"Ya!didn't I told you to call me babe not Luhan?"

"Oops.Sorry I forgot"

He kissed me on lips for a second.


"That's your punishment.I'll kiss you if you don't call me babe" he said.

"Babe?" he said.

"Wae?" I asked.

"I love you very much and I will never let you go" he said.

"Nado" I said.

"Jagi?" Luhan said.

"Uh, wae?And why did you change my nickname?" I asked.

"I just want to change it" he answered.

"What do you want to say?" I asked.

"Could we watch the meteor shower tonight,please?" he asked while doing an aegyo.

"Yeah, sure.You always make me say yes using that cute face of yours" I agreed.

"Isn't that Luhan from EXO?" we heard fan.

Not again.

Before they could even take a picture of us we started to run.

How could they recognize Luhan even though he has a disguise on?

Having a famous friend or boyfriend is really hard.


Sorry for the boring and short update again.

Who could that guy be?

What is his character here?

You'll know him on the next chapter, he's one of my favorites.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And hoppe you'll continue to read the next chapters.

Sorry for the mistakes before and for the future.


Have a great day!

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