28-Leaving and Giving Up

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••I am changing chapters 28,29,and 30 so you will have to re-read the last 3 chapters••

Suzy's POV

"Jinjja? Uncle will be there? Perfect timing, I'll be able to see him SOON...." I said.

*response from aunt*

"Uh ye,auntie" I said.

*response from aunt*

"Okay.Bye, aunt.See ya soon.." I said and ended the call.

"Honey, I heard you talking to your aunt.What did you tell her?" Mom asked.

"Ah....Nothing important,I just told her some news about us....I'll go up to my room" I said and went upstairs.

.In My Room.

"Baekhyun...could we talk?" I asked as I called Baekhyun while I sat on my bed.

"Okay.About what?" Baekhyun said.

"I want it to be in person" I said.

"Okay" Baekhyun said.

"I want to tell you something....a favor" I said.

"Um....okay" Baekhyun said.

"I'll wait for you in the park...bye.." I said.

"Arasseo, Bye" Baekhyun said and hanged up.

.At The Park.

"Is there something wrong with you..? Your voice was sad while I was talking to you on the phone" Baekhyun said worriedly.

"Uh..." I hesitated.

"Tell me.I'm here for you...ALWAYS.You can tell me anything, your problems...ANYTHING.That's what friends are for" Baekhyun said with feelings and saying the words with meaning.

"Okay..." I said.

"You know, my aunt..." I started.

"Yeah....?" Baekhyun asked.


"Bwo?!?" Chanyeol screamed.

"You're leaving?!?!" D.O asked.

"Why?!Because of Luhan?" Sehun asked.

"He totally forgot about me and I can't do anything about it. If I could do anything for his memories to come back, it still wouldn't matter because he loves someone else. And if he remembers everything,that also means he will remember how I hurted him last time. It hurts to see him happy with someone else but... I have to let go.... of him. Plus, my grandfather is in the hospital and I need to visit him. I will be staying with my aunt and uncle for a few months" I said.

"When will you go back?" Chanyeol asked.

"Until I'm ready.. for everything." I said.

Baekhyun pat my back.

"Don't worry guys,we decided that I'll always be by her side" Baekhyun said.

"You mean... your going with her?!" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah.." Baekhyun said.

"What? Why? How?" Suho asked.

"When will you guys leave?" Chanyeol asked.

"The day after tomorrow" I said.

"That fast?!?!" Chen asked.

"We have to go on that day.Don't tell anyone about this yet. No one except you guys, know about this" I said.

"We can't tell Luhan?" Tao asked.

"He doesn't have to know and I think he doesn't want to know" I said.

"We have to go guys. I have to pack up my things, Baek kaja" I said and looked at Baekhyun.

"Bye, see you guys on Sunday!Drive us on Monday to the airport" Baekhyun said and waved goodbye.


I'm almost done with this book.

I don't want to finish this book yet...WAAAH!

Support this book till the end!!

Bye,take care everyone!

Last two chapters!

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