22-The Accident

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A/N I was suppossed to make Suzy and Luhan make up first but I realized this story will be longer if I do that.

"Thanks a lot for 787 reads, it's almost 800.Then next it will be 1,000.I'm just kidding but I hope it will reach 1k"


I called Luhan for the eight time.

"He's still not answering" I said.

"Call him again.Aish" Sehun said worriedly.

I tried calling him again but no one answered.

"He didn't an---" I started to say but I was cut off.

"Aish! I'm so worried about that guy" Sehun said.

"Guys, I'm really sorry. This is all my fault if I didn't--" I said.

"No no no.This is not your fault" Chanyeol said and everyone comforted me.

Luhan, I hope you're okay.Please come home, I need to explain everything to you.I hope you'll believe me.It's just a misunderstanding.

*Meanwhile Luhan*

Suzy's been calling me for like the tenth time.

But of course I wouldn't answer it.

I still can't believe she did this to me! I thought she was different from others but she is just similar to them!I shouldn't have trusted her!

Why is she calling me again?!

I reached for my phone and cancelled the call and then I turned it off.

When I put my attention back at the road,I saw a car that's getting near me.

I tried to avoid the car.


Taeyeon's POV

I got out of my car.

I have some wounds and my foot is broken.

I walked slowly to the car that crashed.

I opened the door to the driver's seat.

I gasped.

It's Luhan!! From EXO.

He's wounded and his head is bleeding.

He's loosing too much blood.

I called 119[911 is 119 in Korea]

The ambuoance came and we headed to the hospital.

His phone rang while we were in the ambulance car.

I answerd it.

Suzy's POV

"Guys,he answered!" I told everyone.

I turned the speaker on.

"Y-yeoboseyo?" a girl said.

"W-who?" I asked confused why a girl answered jagi's phone.

"My car and his car crashed and he's loosing too much blood " the girl explained.

"Call 119 !! Pali !! " I yelled.

"I did!We are in the ambulance car and we are heading to the hospital!" the girl said.

I ended the phone call.

We rode in the van and headed to the hospital.

"Baekhyun! Pali! Drive faster!" I yelled to Baekhyun.

"I know! " he yelled back.

"Guys, calm down! Suzy calm down" Suho said.

"Calm down??!!How can I?!" I yelled.

"Suzy Luhan's going to be okay.Don't worry, okay?" Chanyeol said.

"I'm sorry guys for panicking.I'm sorry for yelling.I just don't want to loose someone again.I don't want to loose Luhan" I said as I tear up.

The members looked at me with an understanding look.

Chanyeol and Kai which is sitting next to me started rubbing my back to comfort me.

I cried.

When we got to the hospital, I rushed in and asked which room Luhan was in.

The members followed me.

I opened the door.

There's this girl taking care of Luhan.

I looked at Luhan who was fast asleep.

I smiled.

Good thing you didn't die.

Oh yeah, you can't because you said you would never leave me.




Thanks a lot for the reads!

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