8-My Lifesaver

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Suzy's POV

"Suzy...niga joha...aniyo...saranghae" Baekhyun said.

-I can't belive what he's saying...I don't know what to say to him...-

"Aaah...umm..." I said.

Luhan's POV

I...we heard all of it.

We heard what Baekhyun said.

We saw what Baekhyun did.

My heart ache.

My heart is like broken into millions of pieces.

Suzy's POV

I broke the hug.

"Hahaha,you're so funny.Are you drunk?"

"I'm not kidding and I'm not drunk yet"  he said.

"Do you....like me?" he asked.

-Yes I like you.But I don't want to tell you.And...I like someone besides you.I don't know who I really like.I like you and...-

Luhan's POV

Please say No.

Please say you don't like him.

Suzy looked up at him but didn't answer.

"Okay you don't have to answer that but I'll try my best for you to like me" Baekhyun said.

Suzy's POV

-You don't have to because I already like you-

"Don't" I said.

He looked at me.

"I mean you don't have to cuz I already like you Baek"Suzy said.

I felt my eyes tearing up

He hugged Suzy again.

"But I like someone besides you.I like the both of you.I'm not gonna tell you who is the other person that I like.I'm really confused who I like more."Suzy said.

Luhan's POV

She likes Baekhyun and someone else.


I wish it's me.

Chanyeol's POV

I wish that other person was me.

After hearing that Baek likes Suzy, that Suzy likes him, after hearing what Baek and Suzy were talking about, I felt tears ran down my cheeks.

I really like Suzy and I'll do ANYTHING for her.

I don't want her with any other boy.

They were walking back to the room.

We pretend that we were doing some things just to look like we weren't listening to the two.

"Chanyeol why are you crying?" Suzy asked me.


Suzy's POV

"Luhan,why are you crying?"  I asked.

Then he ran out the door.

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