14-Spin the Bottle

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_Lunch Time_

Suzy's POV

"Guys what should we so after school?We don't have anything to do, no practice, nothing to do in the dorm" Suho said.

"Let's go to Suzy's house!" Baekhyun said.

I shot Baekhyun a look.

"That's good" Chanyeol said.

"No it's not" I said.

"Please? Let us go there.We always go there so,please?"Chen said.

"Okay,fine" I said.

"I'll call mom" I said.

I dialed her number and turned on the speaker.

"Annyeonghaseyo? Mom?" I said.


"Eomma?"Baekhyun said as I smacked him.

"She's not your mom" I said.

"She's gonna be" Baekhyun said.

I smacked him again.

"No,she won't" I told him.

"Okay! But eom-I mean aunt,could all of the EXO members go to your house again? " Baekhyun said.

"De, but don't do anything stupid and Suzy bring IU or Eun Ji with you so you're not gonna be the only girl because I'll be going somewhere"

"Okay mom.Bye" I said.

*End of call*

After school, we all walked to my house.

"Kris! Sehun and I will play X Box.Wanna play with us?" Chanyeol said.

"That's not my style"

We laughed.

"I'm hungry! D.O and Lay hyung, food!"

"We were about to make snacks" D.O said.

*Ding Dong*

"Yes! My friends are here" I said.

"Eun Ji! IU!" I said happily and we group hug.


"Oh! EXO! " Eun Ji and IU screamed as they saw EXO.

"Guys this us my best friends, Eunji and IU"

"Nice to meet you" EXO said.

After a while Sehun and Chanyeol stopped playing.

"What should we do while eating this snacks that Lay and D.O prepared?" Kai asked.

"I know.Let's play spin the bottle" I suggested.

"Yeah" Lay agreed.

"Sure but you have to answer the question or do the dare" Tao said.

We sat in a circle.

It was my turn to ask a question and the bottle pointed at IU.

"Truth or dare?


"Who do you like from EXO? "

"Aish..why does it have to be that question? Well...um D.O...or... Baekhyun"

"WOW...D.O she can be your girl friend. She's your ideal type . She's nice, pretty,smart and all that and you two look good together " I teased DO.

"Yah sure" DO said.

IU blushed.

IU spun the bottle and it pointed at me.

I'm nervous.

"Truth or dare?"


"Who is the two person you like?"

"Aish...I'll just do dare"

"NO!" some said.

"You should've answered the question,we wanted to know who" Baekhyun said.

"Kiss the person you like on the cheeks" IU said.

"Aishhh! Why are you doing this to me?" I said.

"I'll just do the truth" I said.

"Umm...I like Baekhyun...and...ummm...Luhan"

"Waaah" Sehun said.

"Chanyeol and Kris,why are you not surprised?" Xiumin said.

"I already know" Kris and Chanyeol said in unison.



Finally they know who Suzy likes.

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