21-The Necklace

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Suzy's POV

Luhan and I went in the cafeteria.

When we were standing infront of our friends, Luhan kissed me.

"Y-ya, what what was that f-for?!" I asked.

"Remember I told you if you don't call me babe I'll kiss you?" he answered.

"But I didn't forgot" I said.

"Um, yes you did.Earlier when that Kim Soo Hyun guy came in the classroom" he said.

I think of earlier.


After the new guy introduced himself.

"You?" we said in unison as I stood up from my seat.

"You know each other?!" Luhan, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun said in unison.

"Ani, its just that I've seen him somewhere" I answered.

"Luhan, don't you remember him? He's the guy from yesterday.The guy that gave back my wallet" I said to Luhan.


"Ohh, now I remember" I said.

"This boring boyfriend of yours, woo!" Kai said letting out a breath.

"Yah,I'm not boring,you are cuz your not even going out with your girlfriend" Luhan said.

"It's because I want to protect her from my crazy fans, unlike you that doesn't care" Kai answered.

"Hey, you guys stop fighting" I said.

"Guys I noticed that no one is harming and hating Suzy after everyone found out that she's Luhan's girlfriend" Suho said.

"Maybe they're still planning for a big harm" Sehun said.

"Ya!" I yelled at the evil maknae.

After lunch I head back to the classroom.

*After Weeks*

I found this necklace on the floor.

Before I was able to ask who owns it, the bell rang.

Class started.


I stayed in the classroom until there's no more students outside and then walked out.

I heard someone running so I turned around.

Kim Soo Hyun?

He ran towards me.

"Why are you sweating and out of breath?"

"I've been l-looking for a silver n-necklace"

I remembered the silver necklace I saw on the floor.

"Is this it?"

He looked at it.

"Uh, n-ne"

I hand it to him and he took it.

He hugged me.

"Thank goodness you have it, this is really important to me. My umma gave it to me and this is the only thing that reminds me of her.She died"

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