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••• I changed chapters 28, 29, and 30 a bit and I will be changing BOOK 2 as well so bare with it •••

Suzy's POV

"Suzy are you ready? Come down already! We're going to be late!" Baekhyun yelled from downstairs.

"Wait! I'm coming" I yelled still in my room.

I came out of my room and stood infront of the steps with my bags and stuff.

"Let me help you" Chanyeol and Sehun said as they picked up my luggages.

"Kamsahabnida Sehun and Chanyeol" I said.

"Kaja!" Baekhyun said.

"Are you positive that you want to leave us ?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah.... I have to" I said.

"Could you not go? Jebal ..." Chanyeol asked.

"Chanyeol... don't worry we won't be gone for too long" Baekhyun said.

"But it won't be fun without you Suzy.These people are boring to hang out with" Chanyeol said.

"What did you just say Chanyeol ?!" Kyungsoo asked.

"Nothing important" Chanyeol said.

"We could always videochat. So don't worry to much Chanyeol" I said.

"Okay..... " Chanyeol said and stared down the floor.


Chanyeol's POV

Sehun opened the door for Suzy.

"Thanks Sehun" Suzy said.

"Sehun, you seem to be so nice to Suzy" Kai said.

"Whatever.I'm just in a good mood" Sehun said smiling from ear to ear.

"Wae?" Suzy asked.

"Your leaving. YEHET~ " Sehun said.

"Yah! You're so mean" I said and pouted.

"D-don't make t-that face" Sehun said gazing his stare somewhere else.

"Uh ... you look ... so ... " Sehun said.

" ... pretty " Chanyeol continued Sehun's sentence.

"I will miss you guys! So much!" Suzy said.

"GROUPHUG!" Baekhyun said.

We all gathered in a circle and hugged.

"The bus is here! Let's go!" Baekhyun said.

"Annyeong!!" Suzy said while waving.

"Bye Suzy and Baekhyun!" we all yelled.

We watched as Baekhyun and Suzy stepped inside the bus.

They looked at us once more and waved.

Suzy and Baekhyun,ANNYEONG! I will miss you both so much. Take care. Baekhyun please take care of Suzy. Come back home SOON!

"Lu...Luhan?" I said as I thought I saw Luhan from afar.

"Bwo?" Chen asked.

"Who?" D.O asked.

"Luhan!" I said as I pointed at Luhan from afar running towards us.

"What is he doing here?How did he know about this?" Tao asked.

We all looked at Sehun.

"What? I didn't tell him!" Sehun said as he raised his two hands up in the air, innocently.

Luhan ran past us and chased the bus.

"SUZY! SUZY! STOP THE BUS!STOP THE BUS! SUZY! BAEKHYUN! WAIT!" Luhan screamed as loud as he can while hitting the bus with his hand.

We watched as Luhan ran as fast as he can to chase the bus.

The bus stopped.

There, Suzy came out of the bus.

She stood infront of Luhan.

Luhan's POV

I remember everything now.From the day I met Suzy.The first day I met her was because of the coffee incident. I remember everything. Everything. Now that I remember everything, I need to go to Suzy. I need to go back to her. I can't loose her anymore. So, I went to her house but her mother told me she might be at the bus stop. I was shocked to why she was leaving but I didn't let her mother explain and just ran and ran and ran.

"Jagi!" I screamed as soon as Suzy came out of the bus.

I hugged Suzy.

Chanyeol's POV

Baekhyun came out of the bus with the bags.

"Luhan ... " Baekhyun slowly said.

We all stared at the three.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't know. Sorry for hurting you. I remember everything now. EVERYTHING. I'm sorry for not believing you last time about you and Soo Hyun. I'm sorry for not letting you explain. I'm sorry I broke my promise. I left you. I'm sorry for everything.PLEASE FORGIVE ME.I'm sorry and I love you, JAGI" Luhan said, crying, while his arms are still wrapped around Suzy.

"Luhan...I'm sorry but--"

Luhan put his index finger on Suzy's lips to hush her.

•• THE END ••



BOOK 2 SOON!!! I Deleted it and will be changing it up because I found it very boring .

What kind of ending was that? Sorry for the bad ending. Thank you all of you for supporting me! I love you guys so much . Thank you guys for 10.6 k !

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