13-A New Beginning

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_A Month Passed_

Suzy's POV

A month passed and I'm able to smile after what happened because of my friends.

They're always here for me. Thank you guys ^__^

Mom's better too.

A new beginning of my life.

As always there's school.

"Mom,I'm going to school now" I shouted as I ran downstairs.


"Surprise!" all the EXO members shouted as I opened the door.

"Oh..Why are you guys here?"

"Why? You don't like us here?"

"Well...I like it.But why are all of you here?"

"We're walking with you to school" Baekhyun said as he cling his arm on mine.

"Yahhh! Baekhyun!You can't touch her!"Chanyeol and Luhan screamed.

Luhan's jealous but I don't know about Chanyeol, I guess he also likes me.

This is gonna be hard.

Three cute boys liking me? Waahh! I'm gonna go crazy!

Well I'm not really sure if Chanyeol likes me, it's just my guess because he's kind of obvious.

But out of the three I only like two.



"Do you...probably...like me?"

He smiled.

"Why?Is it obvious?"

"I think.So...do you?"

He was about to answer when Tao and Sehun interrupted.

"What are you two whispering about?"


I stared at Chanyeol waiting for his answer.

"Well...yeah...I do like you,Suzy" he said and scratched his head feeling embarrassed.

"Waaah! Another rival" Sehun said.

Chanyeol and I stared at Sehun.

"Yup, we all heard that Chanyeol likes you, Suzy"

"Yahhh,Baekhyun and Luhan.Another boy likes Suzy"

"We heard it!" Baekhyun and Luhan yelled.

"We have ears" Baekhyun and Luhan said.

"But I'm sorry Chanyeol, I only like you as a friend." I whispered.

"I know and it's ok"

"You're nice,cute, genius, friendly, tall, and all that.I just don't know why I don't like you " I whispered.

"But guys I'm confident because I know that Suzy likes me" Baekhyun said.

"Feelings change,Baekhyun" Luhan said.

"But...Suzy...you still like me right?" Baekhyun asked.

"Maybe" I said as I walked past all of them and went in the school.

But I still like you Baekhyun.

I also like you Luhan.


Now you guys know who Suzy really likes.

I think I already wrote before who she likes but now it's really obvious. Waaah!

Don't forget to VOTE or COMMENT!

I might update after this story reach 100 or 1,000 reads.

I'm just kidding but if school starts I might not update that often.

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