20-That Guy

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Suzy's POV

We're in the balcony of EXO's dorm.

I stare at the full moon.

"Ya,I thought we were going to watch the meteors but why are you watching me? I'm not a meteor" I said.

"You are just too cute to watch" Luhan said.




"You're the best thing that ever happened to my life"

Luhan leaned in for a kiss but then...

"Ya! You guys didn--"Sehun started to say but he didn't continue when he saw Luhan and I were about to kiss.

"I'm sorry, please continue what your doing" Sehun said as he turn around.

"Sehun you need to learn how to knock"

The rest then came to the balcony.

"Pabo!" Chanyeol smacked Sehun's head lightly.

*The Next Day*

We're in class right now.

"Class, we have a new student.Come in and introduce yourself" the teacher announced.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Soo Hyun.I hope we will get along well" he said and bowed.

The room went loud because of some girls.

They're all saying that he's handsome and cute and hot and all that stuff.

Our eyes met and I realized I've seen him somewhere.

That guy is....the person who gave my wallet to me.

"You?" we said in unison as I stood up from my seat.

"You know each other?!" Luhan, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun said in unison.

"Ani, its just that I've seen him somewhere" I answered.

"Luhan, don't you remember him? He's the guy from yesterday.The guy that gave back my wallet" I said to Luhan.

Soohyun's POV

The teacher made me come in and introduce myself.

After I introduced my self, girls were saying that I'm good looking and hot and all that.

Suddenly I saw this familiar looking girl.

Ah...I remember she's the girl from yesterday that dropped her wallet.

"You?" we said in unison as she stood up from my seat.

"You know each other?!" three cute boys said in unison.

"Ani, its just that I've seen him somewhere" she answered.

"Luhan, don't you remember him? He's the guy from yesterday.The guy that gave back my wallet" she said to a boy next to her.

I'm really nervous.

I'm new here and I don't know anyone.

I touched my necklace.

Then the teacher told me to sit infront of the girl from yesterday.

Luhan's POV

The Kim Soo Hyun guy turned around from his seat.

"Annyeong" he said to Suzy and then smiled.

"Uh, annyeong.Thank you for yesterday again" Suzy replied.

"It's okay, um...what's your name?"


"It's okay,Suzy"

Aish!Why are you two chatting during class?! Aish!

You two are making me...Aish.

I wrapped my arms around Suzy.

"Hello uh...Kim Soo Hyun.I'm Suzy's boyfriend " I said and smiled at him.

Suzy's POV

Luhan wrapped his arms around me.

"Hello uh...Kim Soo Hyun.I'm Suzy's boyfriend " he said and smiled at him.

I smiled.

This always jealous boyfriend of mine.

"This is not the time to chat!" the teacher shouted.


That's it for now.

I love the next chapter.

Spoiler alert!

There will be a fight.


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