9-In the Dorm

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I hope there are still people reading this story.

I'm sad right now because there's only little reads.

Please help me get more reads.

Btw,hope you will enjoy this chapter.


Suzy's POV

We are here again,in the cafeteria.

"Luhan told us what happened to you yesterday.Are you okay?" Chanyeol said.


"If I see the boys that touched you, I'm gonna punched them.I might kill them,actually"  Baekhyun said.

"Hahaha, as if you can.You need to bring Tao, Kris, or Xiumin with you.Or eat a lot or go to the gym and then looked for that guys" I said.

The guys giggled.

"But are you really okay?" Chen asked.


"Are you really okay?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Guys, you don't need to keep asking me over and over again.I'm really okay"

Kris stood up from his seat and left the cafeteria.

Ughh.I hate him.

What's wrong with him?

He's always like that.

He's always cold to everyone.

I heard a phone ringing.

"Annyeonghaseyo?" Suho answered his phone.

"Ye" he said.

"De" he said.

"Can our best friend come with us?She's really close with us so PLEASE?" Suho asked?


"Manager hyung called and told me that we're gonna have a practice in the dorm after school.And I asked him if Suzy can come with us and he said yes" Suho told us.

                                   _After School_

Suzy's POV

Luhan and Baekhyun approached me.

"Suzy!The other EXO members are waiting for you outside"my friend, IU said.

Luhan, Baekhyun, and I walked out.

We found the other members waiting in the hallway.

There were girls staring at them.

God!!! I'm dead tomorrow!!!

I walked as fast as I can.

I walked past EXO.

I stopped dwalking when I was outside the gates.

I waited for the EXO members.

"Yah, Suzy!" Luhan called.

I turned around.

Luhan walked with me until we reached the van.

"I'm sitting next to Suzy" Kai said.

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