7-Baek Confessed

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Suzy's POV

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to my friend's house"I shouted and left the house. 

We're in Luhan's house right now.

Tao and Suho ordered some foods.

Chen bought wine.

"Everything's ready, let's eat"  Xiumin said.

When we started eating, we noticed that Kris wasn't eating.

"Why aren't you eating, Kris?" Lay asked.

"Chicken is not my style" Kris said.

After a few minutes we started laughing except Kris.

"WOW! Kris, I thought chicken is not your style but you finished 4" Kai said.

Kris looked at him.

He blinked and continued eating.

"Congratulations Baekhyun" Luhan said.

"Welcome to the group" Chanyeol said.

I noticed that we were in a circle.

Sehun is pouring wine on everyone's glass.

"Don't pour wine on Suzy's" Luhan said.

It was too late.

"It's ok.Just this time" I said.

"Cheers for Baekhyun" I said.

"Cheers!" everyone said.

*After a few minutes*

"Don't drink anymore, Suzy" Chanyeol said.

"Chanyeol's right" Baekhyun said.

"That's your sixth glass. You're gonna get drunk"

"Last one" I said about to drink my seventh.

Luhan took it away from me.

"Yahhhh.Give that back"

"Andwae" he said.

Then he drink it and put the glass on the table.

I chase him so I could hit him.

I saw him trip and everybody started laughing.

I walked towards him.

I tripped and I noticed I'm on top of Luhan and our face is so close.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol ran towards us and helped me get up.

Akward silence.

I went to the balcony and looked at the view.

It's so beautiful.

And it's refreshing here.

Baekhyun's POV

I walk towards the balcony.



"Do you like Lu Han?"

-I was surprised by his question.I didn't answer him.-

"Congratulations Baekhyun" she changed the subject

She doesn't looking happy.

"Aren't you happy for me?"

"I am"

"Then what's the problem? Why do you have a sad face"

"It's just that...I realized that now that you are gonna be an idol,you'll be busier and you won't have much time to hang out with me"

"Awwwwww..Don't be sad my baby Suzy"

"I'm not a baby,I'm just younger"

Then I hugged her not knowing what I'm doing.

I don't know where I got the courage to hug her.

"Suzy....niga joha...aniyo...saranghae"

*Suzy....I like you...no....I love you*

~End of the Chapter~

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