Camisado 2.0

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Warning: Abuse / Violence / Trauma

Prompt: "The aftermath of Camisado." - Anon

  Lauren woke up to Camila lightly snoring. She figured that she would have been snoring since she was crying right before she fell asleep, because usually the younger girl didn't snore whatsoever. Lauren sighed to herself at the cut on the side of Camila's head, and the bruise that hard formed around it. She wanted to kiss it, but she didn't in case she accidentally woke Camila. So she slowly pried herself from Camila's strong grip and slid out of her bed. She slowly made her way into the kitchen, closing her bedroom door behind her so Camila wouldn't hear any of the noise Lauren made.  

  Lauren got a pan out of the cupboard and sat it on the bench. She greased it up with some butter and put it on the stove. She fetched some pancake mix that she'd made from scratch the day before that was sitting in her fridge. She didn't care that there was only enough to make pancakes for Camila. She wasn't really hungry anyway, and she knew she needed to make sure that Camila was well cared for before she even thought about herself. She made a few thick pancakes and put them on a plate, smothering them with ice cream and chocolate sauce. She got a knife and fork, put them on the plate and carefully went back into her room. 

Camila was lying on her back, looking up at the ceiling with dull eyes, "Camila sweetie. I made you some breakfast," Lauren said, sitting them on the bedside table, "Pancakes with ice cream and chocolate topping. I know you can't resist that." A little smile crept across Camila's face and Lauren laughed, sitting beside Camila as she started to eat, "You're gonna have to stay with me for a while, is that okay? I have a spare room with no bed, so you'll have to sleep with me. But unless I'm a problem during the night, I don't mind you sleeping with me. It's nice to have something warm to snuggle up to." 

Camila nodded carefully and looked over at her, "Only if you don't mind having me. I'm sorry I'm so annoying. But. I can cook. And I can clean. And I'm also a little good at fixing things, but I wouldn't trust me with anything too technical-" 

"Camila, you're not staying here to be my maid, okay? You're my best friend. You're staying here because I love you.  And you need somewhere safe to be. And here is safe. With me is safe, okay?" she leaned forward and kissed Camila's cheek very gently, "I can take care of you here and that's what matters most to me. Your safety. Some people in this world obviously haven't been appreciating you enough, and that just won't do."

  "I don't need to be appreciated. When it comes down to it, I'm pretty useless so I guess it doesn't matter," Camila shrugged, continuing to eat her pancakes. Lauren sighed and snaked her arms around Camila's waist as she ate, nuzzling her shoulder softly, "Lauren... everything will be fine. And I mean, I can't stay here forever. Papi... he'll probably call the cops. He'll come looking for me. And if he finds me I'll... I'll be doomed. You know that, right? I mean... Papi is mean. He's nasty. And cold-hearted. But I'm all he has, Lauren. If I leave, he'll be completely alone-" 

"He deserves to be alone, Camila! Look at what he has done to you! He's hurt you! He's made you hate yourself when you're literally perfect. He doesn't see you for what you are. He sees you as an object he can take his self-loathing out on in the form of physical and emotional abuse! Camila it's not right. I'm the one who should be calling the cops on your father. Not him calling the cops because you've run away," she said sternly, kissing her shoulder carefully, "Camila I want you to know how perfect you are. I want you to see it. I want you to see how much you love me."

  Camila finished her last mouthful of pancakes and laid down on the bed, pulling Lauren down beside her, "Can we work on all that stuff later? I'm pretty hung over right now. I just want cuddles for now... and... maybe you could keep giving me kisses? They make me feel happy," she said quietly, avoiding eye contact with Lauren as her cheeks were tinted with a light blush. 

"Alright. But you have to promise me that you'll never go back there. Not alone, anyway. Take me with you when you want to go back. So I can make sure that he doesn't hurt you anymore, alright?" Lauren asked quietly, placing a few more kisses on Camila's soft shoulders. Camila nodded her head and Lauren kissed the soft skin in the crook of her neck, leaving a trail of kisses up her neck and to her jawline, "Do you promise?" 

"I promise," Camila said, shivering nervously, "On one condition." 

"What's that condition exactly?" Lauren raised an eyebrow. 

"Kiss me," she smiled sweetly. 

"I am kissing you." 

"On the lips." 


Lauren gave Camila a gentle kiss on the lips, running her fingers through her long brown locks. Camila smiled up at her, tears in her eyes. It was obvious it was going to take Lauren a long while to make Camila like herself. But she was determined to make the beautiful young girl loved, even if it she had to do it herself, she would make that girl see her worth. And she would make her happy. It was as if her life depended on her best friends happiness. 

"I promise Lauren. But we should talk more later. I wanna nap a little longer. And... thanks for the breakfast. It was really super nice. You should go and eat something while I sleep," Camila said, smiling gently as her eyes fluttered closed. 

"No problem sweetie... and... I'm not hungry. I'd rather stay here with you anyway," she smiled, hugging Camila close to her chest, "Cuddling this little bundle of perfection, hm?"          

 "Nah..." she laughed, nuzzling Lauren's chest and snuggling into her like a sleepy child.

  Lauren chose not to argue at the given moment, seeing as Camila was obviously hung over and tired, and she didn't want to irritate her with compliments she didn't believe, so much so that she thought she would have to leave Lauren's apartment and go home to her father. Lauren decided she would address Camila's low self-esteem when she was awake and in a better mood. She knew her conversation would be more productive that way anyway. 

A few hours later, Lauren woke up to Camila's loud moaning. The young girl was shaking violently, hitting herself in the head and crying, but she still appeared to be fast asleep. Lauren went into panic mode and grabbed onto Camila's hands tightly, pinning them above her head, "Camila! Camila, sweetie! Wake up, it's okay, it's okay it's only a dream!" she called, trying to calm her down a little. Camila struggled against Lauren's grip and called out for help before opening her eyes and realizing where she was. She still sobbed as Lauren loosened her grip and pulled the younger girl into a tight hug, "Oh baby... Come here... it's okay... What did I say? I said I'd protect you at all costs... I'm not gonna let him hurt you again... I promise, baby girl..." she reassured her, rubbing her back lovingly, "It's okay baby..." 

"I'm so sorry Lauren... I'm so sorry," she whispered, crying into Lauren's shirt, "I shouldn't have come here, you should have just left me alone. You won't even be able to sleep with me here. I always wake up like that. Scared that he's gonna hurt me again for no reason whatsoever. Just because he's angry with something else and needs a human punching bag..." 

"It'll get easier, sweetie. The more time you stay here, the more I'll be able to help you through it. And together we'll make everything better. But we need to do it together so I can help pull you through these awful times, okay? I promise it'll get better. You've heard of guardian angels, right?" Lauren asked, tracing patterns on Camila's lower back. When she nodded, Lauren continued, "I'll be your personal, real life, guardian angel." 

"You'll make the nightmares go away? You'll... you'll help me... fix my cuts and my bruises?" Camila asked. 

"I'll try my best with the nightmares. We might have to go get some medicine. But if I explain to my dad, who is a psychologist and doctor, that you have awful night terrors I'm sure he'd be happy to prescribe some pills. They'll just help your brain relax a little more when you sleep and they'll most likely be pretty natural. Not dangerous for you," Lauren smiled, kissing her shoulder gently, "As for the cuts and bruises. I'll fix them all up. I'll put bandaids on them! Inside and out. I'll patch them up. And I'll hold you and kiss your forehead until you feel better." 

"I like the sound of you being my angel," Camila sniffled, smiling weakly as she kissed Lauren's cheek gently and lovingly, "I truly believe that you're to make everything better, Lauren. I trust you with everything I have."      

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